Page 88 of Darkness

Examples of children being stolen from parents and sold to others existed throughout human history. Barbaric and unbelievable for the citizens of Domus. “For the sake of argument, let’s say you’re right—”

Leary snorted.

Farren ignored the attitude. "Because he came here so young and was raised as a human, he could be completely unaware.” Not exactly a traumatic injury, but one affecting any memories of Morrisey’s origins. “Could the same faith healer be responsible for what’s happening now? Is it a single person, a business enterprise?” Someone capable of summoning and putting a soul in a body… Dangerous.

Morrisey had escaped from the horrors of the current state of affairs in Domus. Or maybe another realm. No. Having seen current events and reading Morrisey’s history, the ominous sinking feeling in Farren’s heart told him he and Morrisey shared the same home realm.

Which explained their growing bond, their shared dreams.

Which only made Farren want to protect Morrisey all the more. A child, an infant, brought here. Too young to give consent. Most adults brought talent and skills with them. Had Morrisey’s even developed so young? Did he have latent abilities that even he was unaware of? What level of society did he come from?

Farren knew of travelers who suppressed their otherness through drugs and alcohol. Morrisey drank heavily.

Even so, Farren felt compelled to defend his partner. “That doesn’t affect his job.”

Leary breathed out a sigh. "Those in power who are aware of your species, well, let’s just say some are hesitant. They liked the idea of pairing a traveler with a human. But if you’re both travelers, there are no checks and balances. See what I’m saying?”

Checks and balances. The concept of other. “Does some include you?” Farren met Leary’s harsh stare. “Don’t think I don’t know you got your position because of my kind to begin with. Have you considered Morrisey might be the future when there is no them or us?”

Lines formed on Leary’s brow, and his close-set eyes narrowed further. “Are you suggesting, Mr. Austen, that I’ve taken advantage of travelers for personal gain?” Tap, tap, tap went the ink pen.

Oh no. The asshole wasn’t getting away with evasion. “Are you denying, Leary, that you’ve risen up the ranks of the FBI because you were willing to work with lowly travelers when many would like to see us banished?” Now came Farren’s turn for some eye-narrowing. “Which also brings up another point. I’m the only one on the team capable of banishing travelers." None of the other Magestra he knew in Terra were capable, unlike in Domus.

“Many humans call you demons,” Leary shot back, still refusing to answer questions, the evasion itself being an answer.

“Oh, break out the torches and pitchforks! I can call your desk a cow, and it won’t grow horns and moo.” Not one of Farren’s powers—that he knew of. “There’s less evil in the world I came from than in this one. Keep in mind I didn’t ask to come here. I’d already accepted one day I might simply cease to exist. Then I found myself here. I dedicated myself to keeping the peace and upholding laws just like I did there. My kind helps keep you humans safe.” There were times to embrace the “my kind,” epithet.

“But you’re both the problem and the solution.” Leary slammed his hand down on the desktop, sending the ink pen skittering to the floor. "Your kind being here is the reason we need a task force."

Fuck. Leary just made his thoughts known. They’d shared meals, watched football, and drank beer together back when they’d both been new to the task force. How long since Leary invited Farren over or spoke to him like a friend?

Had Leary grown suspicious?

Farren lowered his tone. “It’s not only traveler-related crimes we’ve helped solve.”

“True. But many don’t see it that way.” There went the many again. “Now creatures are entering this world more and more. We don’t have a census. For all we know, half of Atlanta has already been overtaken by demons.”

Demons. Leary just answered the question of whose side he was on. Had he been biased even back in their old days? Had their past camaderie all been a lie? Farren ground his teeth. He’d saved Leary’s life, for fuck’s sake.

Farren lowered his voice to a barely audible growl. "You've referred to me as a friend in the past. Now I’m a demon?”

“I didn’t mean—”

Leary never had been good at admitting wrongs. Farren suppressed abilities, studied, and tried to become a good little human, a better one than his previous host had been, to fit in. Self-centered, backstabbing, drug using… The original Farren Austen had been no one’s idea of a good man. While the current Farren wasn’t perfect, he’d like to think he’d improved. “Would you speak this way to Arianna?”

Leary glowered from under scrunched brows. "What does Arianna have to do with this?"

“She’s your assistant. Trusted assistant. Yet, she’s a traveler too. Would you say these things to her?”

Leary deflated, clutching his head. “Damn it, Farren. The Department of Homeland Security is breathing down my neck about these murders. What do you expect me to do?”

The truth slammed home. “They want to banish us all, don’t they?”

Leary's words were a rare whisper. “Some do.”

There with the some yet again. “Do you?” Leary didn’t answer. Farren asked again, "Do you believe we should all be banished?"

Farren had to strain to hear his boss's usually booming voice. "I don't know."