Morrisey cupped Farren’s face in his hands and brought their lips together in the faintest hint of a kiss. Something deep and unfathomable lurked in his dark eyes when he retreated. He gave a brief smile, then returned to Farren’s mouth, tongue plunging inside with unbridled intensity.
“You need rest,” Farren disengaged to say.
“You can be my rest,” Morrisey murmured against Farren’s lips.
Together they sank onto the mattress, Morrisey lying on top. He laced their fingers, placing their joined hands on either side of Farren’s head. “You were right. I am darkness. That’s why my life has been one great big clusterfuck until now.” He kissed Farren again, sweetly, briefly. “I’ve always thought the line ‘you complete me’ was a crock of shit.” Morrisey gave a throaty chuckle. “In our case, it’s literal.”
“The council told you?”
“Light and dark. You’re supposed to keep me from becoming a monster, I think.” Morrisey eased off Farren and turned onto his side, propping his head on his hand. His eyes were clouded—by fatigue or grief? “What if I do? Become a monster, I mean. All this time… Fuck, I’m not even human. I only recently found out about travelers, and when I did, I thought they were evil. But… but I’m one. I’m having to look at everything differently. Instead of thinking about my parents, I’m mentally saying, ‘My human parents.’ It’s so fucked up.”
Farren offered what reassurances he could. “Shh… I’ll help you. Light and dark, remember? You won’t become a monster because I won’t let you.”
“What if something happens to you?”
“Nothing will. Because while I’m looking out for you, you’ll be looking out for me.” The misery in Morrisey’s was heart-wrenching. If only there was some way to ease the burden. But like Morrisey, he’d never been trained to be half of the whole that made up a light/dark pairing. No one had in generations.
“I’m… I’m not human.” Morrisey words came out choked.
“Can I ask a question?”
“You were adopted young, were you not?”
“By a couple named James?”
“Yes. It’s all in the records someone looked up on me.”
Oh, so Morrisey knew about the blatant disregard for his privacy. Farren wouldn’t mention Leary’s name now. “The Jameses raised you. Took care of you when you were sick, fed you, clothed you.”
“Yes. They were wonderful parents.”
“Do you consider yourself any less a James because you weren’t born one?”
“No. I…” Morrisey frowned.
"You were brought up as a human, one of the reasons you’re so important to us. Between your upbringing and the implanted memories from the council, you understand each side better than anyone else. Asher might have brought you here for selfish reasons, but in the end, you’ll help us all.”
Morrisey gave a half laugh, half snort. “If it’s up to me to save our race, we’re screwed.”
Farren slowly shook his head back and forth. “Have some faith in yourself. I do.” And so did the other occupants of the house.
“I don’t want to think anymore.” Morrisey rolled back on top of Farren. He devoured Farren’s mouth in a bruising kiss, reaching down to cup Farren’s ass in his hands.
Farren responded in kind. If Morrisey needed rough, Farren could give him rough.
He arched up, pressing his growing hardness against Morrisey’s equally hard cock. He shoved at Morrisey’s shoulder, urging him up.
Confusion in his eyes, Morrisey rose onto his knees.
Farren followed him, yanking the shirt over Morrisey’s head.
With a tired smile, Morrisey kicked off his shoes and wriggled out of his jeans. He’d gone commando. With the weight of two worlds pressing down on them, Farren craved Morrisey’s callused touch, his warm mouth, his lanky body, his tall, thin cock, and the fur on his chest.
Barely taking his eyes from Morrisey, Farren stripped off his own clothes, abandoning them in a pile on the floor. If they’d been meeting for a date, they’d both have showered, not come to bed grimy.