That is until I realize that she is not responding to my fantasy but to the words of the male who preens happily over what he has offered us. Part of me wants to refuse it so that my female has no reason to thank him in such a way. It is unseemly to thank him as if she owes some debt to him. If he attempts to call on a debt, I will slaughter him. I bite back my unhappy hiss because my mate seems to genuinely be pleased. Her excitement sends an electric current through her energy that infuses through the lure that connects us.

I rumble softly as I look down at her. Her excitement is catching because my anger fades and now I’m once more eager to get to this pool.

“There is another issue I wanted to speak to you of as well,” she continues. “Apparently there is a supplement for aquatic fae that allows them to stay on land for longer periods that the Underidge coven has developed. Unfortunately, it seems that they are tightly controlling its distribution, making it difficult for those of some species, like Ro, to get access to it.”

Mr. Clarence’s expression grows pinches, and he sighs heavily. “This is not the first complaint I’ve heard and is a common one among the local coastal councils. As helpful as it would be for Ro to have access to the supplement, which I’ve already explained to them at length when you noted the issue on his application, they are unbending on this matter. They refuse to distribute except in case-by-case situations and only to certain species. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. Our laws make it clear that all covens and witches have exclusive ownership of their spell work—which is for a good reason. The moment we force compliance, we enter some tricky waters that no one wants to see.”

“Of course, naturally,” Keri replies. “But if I can get access to the restricted vault’s old grimoires, there is a chance that I can perhaps replicate something close to it with my staff at the library. The Underidge coven is an old one and delves into a lot of magic inaccessible to younger covens. I believe there are a couple of grimoires in the collection from closely related old families established within the same area that have since died out. If nothing else, they may provide some clues.”

My eyes fly to my mate in surprise. I have not even revealed the true depths of my feelings and she wishes to do this for me? Although it’s likely that it is due to the effect of the lure that is creating an instinctive impulse for us to provide for each other, I want nothing more than it to be due to genuine caring on her part.

“If we can develop our own supplement, it will also prevent a reoccurrence of what happened when Ro got caught in the rain,” she adds.

Mr. Clarence nods thoughtfully. “That is a fair point. Although the vault is generally only open to members of the council, I believe I know which grimoires you speak of. I can perhaps make them available to you.” His words cut off at a repetitious melodic sound and he pulls a small phone out of his pocket. He frowns as he glances down at it. “I will get back to you regarding the grimoires, Keri. I need to take this.”

“Of course. Thank you, Mr. Clarence.” My mate tips her head toward the door at me in a silent signal as she passes him.

It seems just that quickly we are forgotten and have been dismissed by the head of Arcane Society.

Taking the cue, I follow her as the male turns his back to us, my ears pricking as he greets the person on the other end of the phone. Although he sounds pleased to speak to them, the conversation is nonsensical regarding some sort of party. Nothing of interest there. Even Keri appears disinterested as she heads out the door and makes a quick phone call of her own.

We do not go immediately to the front but to a small room nearby. It smells unpleasantly of human bodies and stale food, but I wait patiently for her while she collects her belongings. By the time we have stepped out onto the street, I’m pleased to see that there is a taxi waiting for us. I climb into it after her and find that I thoroughly enjoy being enclosed in the small space with my mate as it ferries us along the roads. I want to wrap myself around her. Even though she has not invited me to yet, I’m thoroughly enjoying my proximity to her and the sweet musk of her scent.

I am not entirely sure where this aquarium is, but it must not be too far away because we arrive there far too soon for my pleasure. I’m torn between my excitement of enjoying the pool with my mate and the incredible pleasure of being confined in a close press with her. The latter has me in such a grip that I struggle to find the desire to leave, but thankfully Keri decides for both of us when she opens the door and steps outside.

“The dolphin pools are in the larger rear structure of the building. Do you see it?” she asks, pointing to the blockish end that seems more set apart from the rest of the building.

I nod and she smiles, taking my hand in hers once more, and my lure tightens deliciously between our magic.

I do not say a word as I follow her inside. The staff give us curious looks when we enter but we are alone before long with the doors leading to the aquarium locked between them and us. The large pools that stretch across this part of the building smell like the ocean just outside the doors, and I don’t waste time stripping off my clothes as my mate’s eyes silently devour me.

The water splashes around me when I dive in, its cool embrace sweeping over me with a comforting touch as it slicks over my skin. My legs draw together as my tail reforms and fins unfurl with the bloom of my magic. As always, the return to my natural form is one that brings me incredible physical pleasure, and every part of me feels as if it is sparking with magic and life as I propel myself through the water.

I twist within it flirtatiously because I know my mate is watching, When I roll up, I capture a glimpse of her sweet face through my tailfins. She smiles at me on the other side of the aquarium glass and there is longing in her eyes. My instinct demands a response. It demands that I give her what she needs.

It is time to begin seducing my mate.