I arch into him, my pleasure rising quickly at the soft and firm touches around my clit and my labia. The fluttery touch of his pelvic fins slides into place, and I jackknife against him, earning a growl from my mate. His free arm lashes back around my waist tightly and drags me down his body further so that now not just the tip of his fins touch me, but the length of them brush and tease my entrance from the hood of my clit down to the bottom of my slit. I quiver against him, suddenly feeling boneless as I writhe in his hold with the hope that the bulge barely brushing my center will part and give me what I need. His cock doesn’t extrude no matter how I wriggle on it. He nips my skin gently, giving me nothing more than a brief sting that makes my sex tighten with need at his silent warning.

His mouth moves over me as his fins gather lubrication from his slit’s sheath and spread it over my sex until, even in the water, I’m slippery with it. My hips arch, begging for more, aware of his tongue sliding up my neck and jaw to capture more of the pheromones I have no doubt that I’m pumping out of the most sensitive zones of my skin. He begins to press sweet kisses to my mouth, and he adjusts his hold on me, his pelvis canting forward with a violent flutter of his pelvic fins that makes me orgasm on the spot. My channel convulses on nothing one moment, and the next his mouth plunders mine as his cock fills and stretches me by the sheer size of him as he extrudes in one deep motion into me.

Speared on his cock, his arms slide into position. His forearms are pressed along my sides and back as he curls his fingers around my shoulders, anchoring me to him as I clench and quiver along his length that is rocked into me, riding me through one orgasm and pushing me directly into another. The sting of his barbs piercing my sides and back are barely a footnote, adding a hint of pain to the pleasure rolling and cresting through me in waves. That sting grows hot, and I’m flooded with a surge of intense pleasure that I scream into Ro’s mouth with sensation exploding all at once through me.

His pelvis begins to move then, in desperate rolling motions that drag his twisting cock out of me before driving it back in. Each forward press brings the top of his sheath against my clit, and his pelvic fins continue to flutter there in tiny erotic caresses. With the storm flowing through me, it is not enough. It merely stirs my appetite more as I rock against him, rubbing as my legs clamp around the back of his tail in search of purchase. I lift my hips eagerly, meeting him with every thrust, driving him deeper and harder into my aching depths. Ro growls against my mouth as his pelvic fins curl inward and begin to vibrate.

I am awash in pleasure. It spears from my core shooting through me in a relentless crash that sends me arching sharply in his grip. His growl deepens in response, his rut becoming more frenzied as his cock thickens and begins to vibrate within me as it releases spray upon spray of hot seed. He croons as he spills into me, and I tremble with each hot stream. My body greedily draws it in with every convulsion around his length as another climax sweeps over me, a bubble of magic expanding and growing around us, created by our interweaving magic with our release.

It vibrates around us with the culmination of our pleasure, the magic swirling around and through us, penetrating us as his venom continues to pump into me, drawing out my ecstasy and attuning my magic to his inexplicably.

We are forged together by water and magic, refashioned within the transmutable power of the sea.

I feel empty when his cock withdraws from me though it sends a shiver through me when it slips free. I’m tempted to see if I can coax him into a second round when there is an ache that lances my chest, and I feel my skin tearing in a way that is painful one moment and then gone the next. Water no longer rushes into my mouth and yet I’m breathing. Glancing down, I follow Ro’s gaze to my chest to see three thin lines rimmed in red, pulsing and fluttering as they pump oxygen-rich water in and out of my body, filtering the air I need to survive.

I meet Ro’s eyes and he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling with absolute delight. He winds his fingers with mine—as much as he can with the flexible webbing that spans his fingers and now mine as well—and draws me with him as he turns us through the water, and I see all the beauty of the coastal waters stretched out before me. The water suddenly appears even clearer, and everything within the sea is richer in color now. It’s an entirely new world of magic opening up for me. I’m naked as the day I was born, and yet I don’t mind as I return his smile and kick my feet, feeling the water catching along the webbing of my toes, propelling me forward with him into this great new unknown.

The party is carrying on without us, but it can wait for a moment longer while I surrender myself to the possibilities of this new life with Ro between the land and the depths. And to embrace the new future I never suspected but swept me up in an unforgettable love and endless magic between us.