“It is the nature of the magic,” he explains. “I can come on land when the sun shines all except for the full moon, and I can bring you into the sea with me for a day with the kiss of breath like you experienced in the pool, though it was for a much shorter time.” He gives me a flirtatious smile that I flat out ignore. I’m not getting distracted from this conversation. He sighs at my unyielding expression and continues. “The other option is what females usually choose among Aquanas and is one which around much of your lore is based. Upon mating that same kiss during mating can make it possible for the human to join us in the water for the rest of our lives.”
Gryn makes a face. “None of those options sound great.”
Ro glances over at him and nods. “That is why discovering the supplement seemed like a gift from the gods. I cannot counter the pull of the sea on my magic and its natural rhythms on my body, but the supplement would allow me to have a real life with my mate in a way that won’t isolate her or make her life difficult. More importantly, I don’t want to be separated from her for any longer than one day and one night in a month. I want all of the rest of my days with her.” He looks at me as he quietly says that. He has made no claim about how he sees our relationship, but regardless of whether he sees me as his mate or not, it is clear that he is speaking of me.
“So, what if we cannot find a solution to the core ingredient—what do we do then?” I hate to ask and don’t want to ask, but I need to know where his intention rests. Will he suggest that we go after the talaxi pearl? My breath catches as I wait for his response.
His jaw clenches, and he bows his head as he considers it. “I have been thinking of this,” he admits. His gaze lifts to meet mine. “As it seems that we are no closer to finding an alternative, I will find a way to get the supplement again. It is better than living a half-life caught between the land and sea.”
I gape at him in horror. He knows how bad the supplement is and was determined to never take it again because of its side effects. “Ro, if you do that you will suffer. You know that. Outside of the unknown side effects that can accumulate over time that may affect your magical essence, you know that every month you use it, you will be in pain when you’re forced back to the sea again with consistent use. This is why most of the aquatic species only use it sparingly. You would have to use it daily for what you’re saying, and I really think that the side effects will only get worse the longer that you take it. For all anyone knows, it could weaken you over time or shorten your lifespan if you use it daily!”
His eyes harden stubbornly. “It is my decision and a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
My bottom lip trembles, disappointed that he won’t even consider getting the pearl. He would rather put himself in danger. I want to scream and vent my frustration, but I nod. As much as I want to protect him from himself, I won’t disrespect his decision as if he was a child. It’s just even more important now that I create something better, regardless of the cost. If I spend every waking moment after sundown and at the library glued to books and working on new concoctions in my kitchen, so be it.
I want more dates along the boardwalk. More Ro. More of everything I’ve yet to experience with him. Which means I have no choice—I will have to get the talaxi pearl. My eyes lift to meet Gryn’s knowing gaze. I will get it even if it means going behind Ro’s back to do so.
Chapter 33
Two weeks later
I shift the weight of the diving tank as I strap it to my back like the instructors trained me to do. I am still a nervous wreck but days practicing in controlled circumstances on how to use the equipment at least makes me feel a little prepared. This would be easier if I could just talk Ro into it and he could give me the kiss of breath. As if having to spend yet another day away from each other, thanks to the full moon, and then returning looking like something that washed up on shore and was left to rot in the sun wasn’t miserable enough—it should have been enough to at least make him reconsider the pearl. If he had, then I wouldn’t be dealing with all of this heavy equipment and preparing to scuba dive rather than enjoying the convenience of being able to breathe underwater.
I certainly can’t get the kiss of breath from Gryn. Although he offered it, I just knew that Ro would flip out if he discovered that I had accepted it. Which just left days upon days of diving lessons that I never before imagined I would take. And why Gryn is carrying spare oxygen tanks bound with a tether wrapped around one shoulder.
Thanks, Ro. Ridiculous, stubborn male.
Gryn watches me from the water, his tail flicking restlessly among the eddies closest to shore. He is obviously eager to set out and have a bit of an adventure after spending so much time confined indoors while we searched through all of our sources.
I give him a nervous smile as I pick up the breath apparatus before my courage fails me. “I guess we’re ready.”
He nods solemnly and his tail flicks, pushing him back further from the shore as he tosses the end of a long rope to me. “Do not worry. I will keep you safe and we will be back before Ro realizes that we are gone,” he assures me as I step into the water.
I am not so sure about that. Although I sent him out with a list of supplies to pick up for me from various shops around town to keep him distracted, Ro is not one to dally around. If we don’t return quickly enough, there is little doubt in my mind that he will notice that something is up and investigate.