“I will need to record data on that as well,” I point out, trying to keep my voice brisk and unaffected, and failing miserably to my ears.

“Of course,” he rasps, and I watch in fascination as the bulge rounds out further until it appears to be straining the network of lines that forms a seam until it until flesh slowly splits and unfurls like a blooming flower reveal a dark pink from which his cock slides out.

And fuck, it’s glorious.

There is a shape to it not unlike marine mammals, designed for compatibility with an aquatic environment. It’s long, slick, and tapered, and while it seems to be growing thicker by the moment, it appears to have a thick natural lubrication. I regard it curiously and walk away for just a moment to grab a small beaker and fill it with some of the oceanwater. I carry this back to the examination table and, with a large dropper, allow the water to dribble in thick streams over his cock. The water flows over it without cutting through the lubrication and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I make a note of this as well.

The possibility of pleasurable, lubricated sex... check.

In fact, it could be very pleasurable. I consider what the thick lubrication might feel like as his cock shuttles in and out of my pussy and only just barely keep myself from panting in reaction.

“Are you required to touch this as well?” Ro purrs.

The sound shoots straight down through me, making me quiver with desire. I nod wordlessly. Of course I am. Even on the clipboard, there are questions about its size, shape, length, and texture.

I bite back a groan because it’s quite the big boy. Thick, long, and pink, it rises up from his groin with a flexible motion as it briefly lashes the air. And it’s girthy! While I doubt that I could close my hand around the thick shaft and base, even the tip of the tapered dick is, at the very least, the size of a couple of fingers wedged close together. About three inches from the tip, I see bands of tiny nub-like spines, each about six centimeters long. While the bands are no thicker than a couple of inches, they extend down most of the remaining length, only terminating close to the sheath.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I mumble, and he laughs, the husky sound making my desire curl deeper through me.

“I asked if you needed to touch this as well for your records.”

“Do you mind?” I ask as I stare at those bands and two large knot-like bumps that run down to the top of the flexible shaft.

“Not at all. Explore me,” he rasps.

I’m sure that I’m blushing as I curl my hand around his cock. Although I’m wearing a glove, I can feel the intense heat of him through it. His cock has a firmness to it but it’s flexible along the entire length allowing me to shift his sex in a fluid motion without any sign of discomfort from him. The tip curls as if seeking my hand, and I give a single stroke to explore the texture of spiny nubs and bumps. Ro makes a choking sound, and from the corner of my eye, I see that he’s holding firmly to the examination table, his muscles straining as I examine his length.

I peek down at my clipboard and bite back a moan. Describe the viscosity and color of semen. Of course they would want to know that. As if describing his cock in detail isn’t enough. Keeping one hand firmly wrapped around his length, I set the clipboard down and make several notes as to its appearance and snap a few photos while I continue to drag my hand up and down its length. The entire time Ro’s tail twitches and trembles against the table, sending his fins slapping against its sides. His eyes are blazing when I meet them again, and I suck in a nervous breath at the desire pooling within them.

“Just hold tight and this will be over soon,” I mumble, and I’m not entirely sure which of us I’m talking to as my other hand joins in and I begin to pump his cock.

His eyes widen before his head falls back and an inhuman moan rattles from deep within him. I keep stroking, however, even as his pelvis thrusts up into my hands and he snarls and hisses his pleasure between more of his lengthy groans pouring from him. His tail thrashes, the fins flicking and slapping against the table as he claws at it, ruining the padded surface. I’m quite sure my panties are also ruined, as soaked as they are, but I continue to tug his length, marveling at the texture of his highly flexible cock and thinking about how all of that would feel inside me.

The length twitches erratically before suddenly straining for the ceiling for a moment before lavender pearlescent semen sprays in thick streams, splattering over his belly and tail and my hands. I stare at it for a long moment and then take a shaky breath before stripping off a glove and grabbing the camera again. I give him an apologetic look.

“I’m afraid I’ll need to photograph this as well.”

He grins flirtatiously, surprising me and captivating me all at once. “Only if you print me copies.”

I nod mutely to his request and get to work—because what else am I going to do?