I shake my head, my claws biting deeper into the padding. By the gods, I want to fuck. I want to take her to the floor and drive my cock into her. If this continues any further, I have no doubt I will extrude and spill all over the examination table. “No. It just feels good. I didn’t know it would.”
Her hand retreats and I mentally curse. I shouldn’t have said anything.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize,” she murmurs, and I turn just enough to peer at her lustfully over my shoulder.
“Do not apologize. I may not have known what it would do, but I liked it very much. You can play with my fins all you want, especially if you want me to rut you on the floor here,” I point.
Her mouth drops open in a manner I find adorable. “W... what?”
I shrug and lay back against the examination table. “Do not look so surprised. I’ve been clear about my desire to fuck you since we met.”
I keep all mention of mating to myself. She may not know that rutting and mating are one and the same with my species. Unlike humans there is no casual sex. Once an Aquana breeds with another, that is it. There is no going back. Humans don’t realize this, and more than one mate has been tempted by the desire to satiate their hunger. If Keri is adventurous enough to explore this, I won’t turn down the opportunity. I will be a little disappointed, perhaps, that she is not coming to me with the desire to mate, but I’m not stupid. After all, Aquana mating practices are pragmatic and are rarely fare.
“Okay, just relax your tail completely. I’m going to lift your dorsal fins and want to observe their natural reaction when I let go.”
Swallowing, I nod. If ever the gods devised a way to pleasure a male to death, this would be the perfect opening.
“I’m ready,” I rasp and nearly come up from the table when she pulls lightly on the fin.
Only the tip of my cock extrudes before I’m suddenly spilling against the table as my pelvis jumps and twitches against it. Her fingers are only on it for a moment before she lets it go but it is enough. Unfortunately, I’m caught completely by surprise when she does the same to my upper spinal dorsal. I moan into the mat, my hips quivering. Tucking my hand between me and the table, I wrap my fingers tightly around my cock and give it two hard jerks as she slowly lifts and fully expands my fin. The orgasm that rushes through me is hard enough that I slap my hips into the table, startling her hard enough that she whips her hand back from my fin in shock.
I lay in my mess, panting, as I feel the heat of her gaze sliding over me. I’m not ashamed of what I did, but there is not much to see given that my anatomy has already drawn my cock back inside of my sheath. Still, I am happy to show off the results of what my mate has accomplished as such things are a source of pride among females and so I slowly turn, showing off the pearly cum painting the length of my tail. Her eyes widen, but rather than exclaim with pleasure as I expect, her gaze snaps away in obvious embarrassment and her cheeks redden.
“Right. I think we can definitely count those as erogenous zones,” she says quickly as she turns away and begins to write again. “They may not be recognized ones as they are not functionally used by your species that way,” she continues, “but there is definitely a reaction.”
I can’t argue with that, though I’m equally surprised.
“I still need to test the rest of your tail, if that’s okay. I’m just going to need you to be completely still for this next part as I test your reflexes.”
Gods, merciful and wise, help me.
Chapter 12
Another day, another embarrassing task. I wonder what I did to offend Mr. Clarence in a previous life as my eyes rake over what I’m supposed to be doing today. More measurements... and photographs. They want to study Aquana reproductive physiology which can only mean one thing.