Jason looks at the screen too, his usually sharp and stern eyes so dopey with love, I want to spread my legs and beg him inside. How is he getting even hotter? The closer he gets to Doting Daddy, the more in love with him I fall. I didn’t even know that was possible.
“Are you annoyed our baby is a boy, and you’ll have two men in love with you?” he asks.
My eyes prickle with tears. “No. I want that. This is the first baby I’m allowed to keep, and of course I want him to love me. I want all of our children to love me.”
“They will,” Jason assures me. “From the moment they meet you.”
God, I want to believe him. I want to be able to hold our baby in my arms and not worry about how long I can enjoy it. My heart starts to race at the thought of losing another son. I still have two trimesters to get through before then. What if it’s out of my hands? Jason has so much faith in me.
I put on a brave face, wipe the building sweat from my palms, and rest a hand on my belly in a silent prayer that I won’t let anyone down. Not again.
We may never meet our oldest son.
Gerrard Mordant was our main lead, since he was the one who took the babies away, but he died in a freak boating accident two days before the guys planned to question him. Jason swears he had nothing to do with the man’s death, which I believe, because he sulked for weeks about missing out on his chance to torture the guy.
We have had the luck to find a close DNA connection through one of the four online registries we filed with — who must be our son, since Jason and I don’t have any other common relatives — but the profile in question is obscured, with no name, no photo, and their information locked and private. All we have is an ID number, and whoever it belongs to hasn’t responded to accept our message request.
“Do you think we should message Number Six-three-two-nine-four again?” I ask, fidgeting with my gown. “Should we message every day?”
“And be the crazy stalker parents who scare him away?” Jason counters, his eye soft as he studies me. “No. It’ll be a big deal for the kid, and we shouldn’t rush him. We’ll give him a bit more time, and if he still doesn’t respond, I’ll set Vince’s hacker on his ass, to get his personal data. Then we’ll stalk him in real life, so we can casually run into him in person and let him fall in love with you that way.”
I try not to smile but fail. “I love you, Jason King. And I know it’s totally immoral and wrong, but I love that you’re not even joking.”
“So you’re not cranky anymore then?” he asks with a sexy smirk. “I should get the doctor back?”
I squeeze my legs together and sigh. “I don’t suppose we could delay it any longer?”
“Why?” He pushes my legs apart, and then sets my feet into the bed’s stirrups, to keep them open wide. “Are you scared he’ll see how wet you are and think you’re the kind of woman who gets turned on by gynecological exams?” he asks with a grin, before leaning in and running his tongue up my crease.
I moan and drop my head back against the raised bed. “Oh God. Now I’m going to be thinking about you, doing this, when he’s doing that. You mean jerk.”
Jason chuckles and pulls a few tissues from a nearby box, to clean me up a little. “You know this was your own doing, right? I didn’t fuck you for three days, because you didn’t want him to see cum inside you and know what a slut you are for my cock, but you’re giving away your own secrets, gushing like this because you haven’t had your weekly quota.”
“Don’t make me sound like a sex-crazed maniac.” I lift my chin, hoping I’ll appear moderately dignified. “I’m the mother of your children.”
“You don’t see a connection between the two?” He laughs again and helps me into a more appropriate position. “Alright, Princess. How about we ask the doc what he needs to do, and see if we can skip a few steps or do them some other time? Would that appease you until my cock does?”
I keep my head held high as I nod. “That will do nicely. Thank you.”
“I’ll go sort him out, so he knows what’s what,” Jason says heading for the door. “It’s not like I’m excited about his being in my territory, anyway. I only got him for you because he’s the best, and I want you taken care of. I’ll be back soon.”
* * *
Jason won’t stop looking at me on the drive home. He’s trying to figure me out, and I’m doing my best not to panic, because I don’t want him to worry.
“You’re thirty-seven,” he says, as if I didn’t hear it enough before we left the obstetrician’s office. “That’s hardly ancient. Lots of women have babies in their late thirties and forties. It’s going to be fine.”
I look out the window, as we wind down through the forest, toward the lake. We’ve decided to live here all year round. Jason does the odd bit of consulting work if he spots an interesting pattern in the stock market, and I paint. Together, we’ve been healing the rifts our hearts suffered over the years and preparing for a more glorious future.
I rub my belly and sigh. “You heard all the risks. What if something goes wrong?”
“It’s not going to, because I’m going to make sure you’re taken care of, every step of the way,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Are you doubting me?”
I shake my head. “I just don’t want to disappoint you.”