Page 55 of Red Flag Bull

A visible thrill runs down my spine, and he gives a satisfied grunt. “Later,” he says in a gruff voice, as he slings his strong arm over my shoulder and pulls me close. He brushes his thumb over my nipple, and it stands for him instantly. “We’re not done discussing Phase One of the plan yet,” he says, fondling me through my shirt in front of his friend, in some sort of this woman is mine statement that makes my heart warm and my blood rush.

“But once we’ve got more information to go on, and we find out where our boy is and can make sure he’s safe,” Jason continues, “I’ll delight you with my plans for dealing with each of your enemies until your panties are dripping with satisfaction.”

I’m halfway there. “Promise?”

Vince snorts. “You two are fucking made for each other.”

“Thank you,” we say together, both beaming.

Vince swears under his breath, and then chuckles. “Now I really want to meet your fucking kid. I’m curious as hell about how that whole nature-slash-nurture debate played out there. Oh, and you may want to consider doing one of those international DNA tests, linked to an online registry. It can show your genetic connections to others who’ve done it, and if your kid has any idea he’s adopted, he could be on there. He’s an adult now and could be looking for answers of his own, right? Kids these days have no patience, and that method would cut the need to hunt through any bogus documentation trails.”

I look at Jason, and he races out of the room. He returns with a laptop a few seconds later, and I offer him my seat. “Why didn’t I think of this first?” he mutters, sitting down, pulling up the website, and ordering two tests.

“Because you’re sweet and adorably protective, but you’re also a twisted, sadistic fuck with revenge in mind,” Vince says, before picking up his sandwich. “And you’re so used to working your ass off and fighting your way to success, you’d never find the simplest, easiest, sanest path, unless I pinned it on a map for you.”

I smile into Jason’s neck and read the website’s information over his shoulder while I hug him. “Thank you, Vince.”

“You’re welcome, Mandi.” He swallows his mouthful and clears his throat. “And welcome to the family. From what I’ve learned this morning, it’s more supportive and at least a little less fucked up than the one you grew up with. Not sure if you realize, but you’ve acquired four new brothers, two sisters, and their babies. I’m pretty sure a ton of kids will be added over time — Gunnar’s got some rampant fucking sperm. But I digress. My point is I’ve haven’t seen Jason this happy or murderously passionate about anything in a long time, and I believe you’re responsible. It’s good to have you with us, Mandi.”

“Thank you. It’s good to be here,” I say with a happy heart, as I slide my hand into Jason’s. “From what Jason’s told me about how you guys rally to get each other through the hardest times, I’ve always wanted a family as close as yours.”



Mandi’s done something amazing, but she refused to celebrate too soon, so I tied her to the towel rack in the bathroom two hours ago, and have been making her regret it ever since.

I’ve spanked, humiliated, licked, and fucked her to the edge of orgasm six times, and now that I’ve left her pussy empty and her ass stretched to perfection with a plug, while she’s trapped on all fours and hooked up to her breast pumps, she’s fucking beside herself.

As am I. My cock is aching from the sight of her dripping cunt, and I can’t wait to finish her off. Just forty-six more seconds…

I nudge and play with the plug in her ass, and when she strains against her cuffs with a whimper, I press my tongue slowly inside her cunt, until she bucks to smear her honey on my lips.

“Mmm…” I lap at her sweetness and hum against her flesh, as she tightens with pre-orgasmic tension, before pulling back to watch her climax fade away again.

The timer goes off, and Mandi moans in relief. “Oh thank, God,” she says, as I power-down her breast pumps. “What does it say? Tell me it’s good news, Jason. I want to come so fucking bad. Please.”

“It’s wonderful news, Princess.” I smile and kiss her near the freshly healed tattoo on her ass. “We’re having a baby.”

She gasps and her whole body trembles. I’ve got her wound so tight with emotions, she’s lost control over them and can only express what she truly feels.

“Really?” she asks with tears in her smiling eyes. They’re so full of hope and longing, she is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen her.

“Really,” I confirm as I kiss her forehead.

I show her the second positive pregnancy test she demanded as proof that the previous one wasn’t faulty, and then I place it on the tiles in front of her, next to the other one. She kept herself from the joy of believing the truth, but she has it now.

I wanted her to take another test immediately after she doubted the first, but it took three bottles of water and an hour and fifty-six minutes of my tormenting her with pleasure, before she begged to pee on my hand, while I held the test stick between her legs.

But she did it, and I doubt either of us could be happier with the result.

Her smile was worth the wait.

She looks at the tests and then searches my face, like she needs more proof that it’s real. I move in close behind her, to stroke her soft belly and kiss her spine.

“You can believe it, Princess. You did so fucking good,” I murmur against her skin. “We’re going to have that wonderful life we dreamed up together that summer I held you in my arms under the trees. It won’t always be easy, but I will love you and care for you, no matter what.” I grab myself, spread her pussy, and run the fat head of my cock up and down her juicy slit. “So can we celebrate now?”

“Yes,” she cries, trembling all over when I keep her from rearing back, to take me, before I’ve agreed.