“Eyes on me,” I growl.
Her head snaps back my way, and she does as she’s told, like a perfect, good fucking girl. She deserves to be rewarded.
I hand her the tub of coconut oil. “Open it.”
Her grapes try to make a break for it when she clenches her abs to hold her position so she can use her hands, but I keep them from going anywhere. I reach into the tub, scoop a hunk of the firm, fatty solid, and start softening it in my warm fingers. “You can put it aside now.”
She does so, panting softly as I increase the pressure on her clit.
“Brace yourself,” I warn her.
Obedient as ever, Mandi props herself with her arms and adjusts her footing, so her toes curl over the edge of the bench.
“Good girl,” I coo, as I carefully switch hands, passing the slippery coconut paste from one to the other while keeping her cunt full of grapes. They’ll be getting warm in there now. Sweet little balls of delight.
I smear her asshole with the coconut oil, and her eyes widen. “Have you had a cock in here since mine?” I demand to know.
She shakes her head, and I groan when my throbbing balls try to force my cock into go-mode. She’s still mine, and I’m so fucking hard, my dick feels ready to shed its skin. I want to shove it inside her puckered little hole and let her heat soothe my shaft while my balls pulse their load into her tight ass, but she’ll tear with my size if I don’t get her properly warmed up and stretched first, and that could take days if she’s been honest with me. Starting now.
I grease her up and push one finger into her ass, testing her give before I add a second. I work the coconut lube around and push deeper, pressing against her walls as she mewls through stuttered breaths. Two for now, then.
Her pussy is soaking through my fingers, and I take a quick lick before adjusting my position so I can finger fuck her ass, keep the grapes in her cunt with my palm, and grind her clit with the heel of my hand.
She bucks a little, and I shake my head. “Be still.”
She does her best, but her thighs are quivering from the effort, and I bet her pussy’s winding nice and tight with need. I stroke the thin membrane between her ass and her cunt, fondling the bulbous little fruits she has trapped inside.
“I’m going to make a fucking meal of you, my girl.”
She gasps, and her ass clamps at my fingers.
I smear her rush of juices back into her, until her legs are shaking. “Fucking hold it, Princess.”
Mandi cries out in desperation and stamps her foot, as she throws her head back. Every muscle inside her seems to cinch tighter, and I could count the grapes through her walls if I wanted to.
I stop everything and let her teeter on the very edge to see if she’ll keep her control.
She tries. The effort is as plain on her face as it is through every strung-taut muscle fiber she has.
Her eyes fly wide. “I’m going to pee.”
“It only feels like it,” I assure her, lowering my position, to suck her clit. She ripples and pulsates beneath my lips, and I pump my fingers into her ass a few more times before pushing them deep to stroke her pleasure forth. “Let go, Princess.”
Her body shudders, twitches, and gasps, the energy building inside her. I push her toward climax until her wails fill my kitchen with the sound of her building pleasure, and then I lower my hand like a drawbridge, to expose her entrance.
She squirts so hard it hits my face and drips from my beard. It quickly dissipates, spurting in little dribbles to sauce the grapes she expels into my waiting palm with each wondrous spasm that grips her quivering cunt.
I lap at her sweet and salty fluids, counting the grapes as I gobble and slurp them down. When I’m waiting on only two, I use the fingers in her ass to work them closer. “Push for me, Princess. Two more.”
She whimpers and trembles with the effort, but she does it, squirting a little more, to make the grapes extra juicy.
I swallow them down and lick the dew from her petals while gently massaging my fingers from her ass. I can’t find the cloth I had before, so I wipe my hands on the nearest dishcloth and toss it aside.
She tries to bring her legs together, but I force her to keep them wide, so I can witness the entrancing dance of her pussy while the climactic contractions keep her pretty cunt twitching. She’s so fucking wet, it’s like she’s chirping a lip-smacking little mating call at me. I can’t think of anything but shoving my cock inside her, so she can flutter around it. I want to push deep and soak her with seed, while her thirsty squeezes pull it inside her womb.
I swipe my tongue through her gorgeous fucking folds, look up to check the state of her, and just about come in my boxers.