Page 1 of Red Flag Bull



I lean my forehead to the glass and watch all the tiny people below, scurrying through the streets like they’re in a desperate hurry to flee their lives.

The rat race.

I joined it with a mission, made it my bitch, and thought I’d risen above it, but there’s no real escape from the eternal pressure to hustle.

When I was younger, I believed being rich would get me everything, but now I’m older and wise enough to hate the things I once wanted to play with. Pathetic distractions.

I want to go back to the peace of the mountains.

Fresh air. Freedom. Family.

Family? Where the fuck did that come from?

I shudder and press my palm to the glass. A few discussions with my bros about breeding, and I’m contemplating the whole find a girl, settle down, and spawn some offspring thing?

I shake my head.

Babies are out of the question when I can’t bring myself to love or trust women anymore, and I have no desire to be saddled with one. The way I see it, babies are cute and all, but they’re a lifelong commitment. Women are not. They’re fun to stick your cock into, but they’re fickle. Interactions are only a temporary fix when I’m involved, but children are a permanent connection. I can’t make that math add up, and I refuse to bring a kid into an unstable equation.

My gaze travels to the edge of the city, where I can just make out the tall, elegant building that’s home to my least-hated sex club for kink enthusiasts. I haven’t been for a while, and I’m feeling it.

But there are rules at such an exclusive establishment.

Proof of current sexual health and always use condoms are the most fundamental and stringent of their membership policies. No amount of clearance or health checks are ever enough to forgo visible protection under their roof, but that’s exactly what I want.

A wet, dirty fuck.

I hadn’t had one in years, before my friends and I took turns helping Ben and Maggie conceive a few months ago, and now I can’t get it out of my head. I’m craving a night of pleasure I can draw out, until I’ve sated the fucking sex-crazed demon that’s been set loose inside me — breedy son of a bitch.

Sure, I’ve taken my fair share of enthusiastic club-subs home for a private discipline session, but I’ve never wanted to fuck one bare or grow a life inside her. That’s not an arrangement I care to negotiate, considering my stomach turns at the thought.

Normally, I lust for vengeance, and a sub gives me an outlet. But that’s not a healthy emotional platform to build a happy family on. I won’t do it. It’s delivering punishment that’ll bring me relief…

The seductive pleasure of controlled dungeon-play quickly fades to the background, overshadowed again by this pressing new drive to procreate.

Damn it.

Maybe it’s an age thing. The older a man gets, the greater the pressure he feels to breed? Like a desperate salmon, flaying himself in the fight to get upstream and spawn before death claims him? Time waits for no man, and even a broken biological clock strikes true twice in a lifetime, or some shit like that?

I indulge in the thought of a beautiful woman eager to bear my fruit, and a shiver runs through me. There’s a pull there. A magnetism.

God. I go raw for the first time in two decades to help my buddy breed his girl, and this is my reward?

My mind wanders back to what the five of us did to Ben’s wife that day. Ben will be her baby’s daddy, but any one of us could be the biological father. Even me.

My heartbeat picks up speed, and my cock twitches in my dress slacks. I don’t know why I get fucking excited by the fact it could be my sperm that succeeded over all the rest. There’s no prize for it, and it’s not like I want, or would be entitled to, Maggie or her baby. They’re Ben’s.

But I’m hooked on the idea of conquering, the primal nature, and the freedom of it.

Fucking a woman like an animal, with the sole mission of claiming her inside and out. All natural. No protection. No dulling of sensation. I want to feel everything I’m doing to my woman — because that’s what she’ll be if I’m taking her bare. Mine.

Fingers of pleasure run down my spine and spread a pleasurable thrill through my cock, until it flares to a full salute.

Fucking hell. Mine?