Jason’s firm hand rubs my ass in circles, and I rock with the movement, hypnotized by the blood rushing in my veins and the surface of my skin, and the incredible sense of peace that’s almost within my grasp.
I’m on the edge of redemption, and I can feel how sweet it will be on the other side.
The more he rubs me, the more I need that final slap, but it doesn’t come. Tears of need are running down my face and my legs, and his hand keeps circling, circling. He smears the moisture of my arousal over my thighs and ass with each pass of his hand, until I’m covered and trembling from the intensity of my yearning and the cool night air.
I crave that last slap like I crave my next breath. Not knowing how to find relief without it, I beg for it. “Please.”
He slow his hand, but increases the pressure. “Promise me it’ll never happen again, Princess.”
The way he says the pet-name is completely different to how I’ve become accustomed to his using it. Previously, he made it sound like an insult — a name for a spoiled brat who can’t behave herself — but now it makes me sound as if I’m precious. Like he’s calling me Princess because I’m his future queen.
It’s then that the truth of Jason’s actions become clear.
The pleasure and pain he’s delivered haven’t been in opposition. They’ve been working together to show me one thing — someone cares about what I do. Cares enough to correct my course. What I do matters. I matter. To the man delivering my sentence.
I’m not alone in the world. I don’t need to act up or scream more loudly for someone to see or hear me. He’s here. With me. Showing me that I’m noticed. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I will promise him the world if he asks for it.
“I promise.” And I mean it.
Ten strikes my pussy with a wet splatter, and its sting sends a wave of sensation crashing through me that I can’t comprehend.
The impact thrusts me forward, and I collapsed to the forest floor in a twitching, moaning heap as my core shakes, my pussy squeezes, and my head goes fuzzy with pure joy. Pleasure courses through my veins, and I become too heavy to move and so light I can float at the same time.
Jason’s weight comes to crowd me, keeping me grounded in the bliss when I would have drifted far away. “Good girl,” he purrs in my ear, as I writhe and shudder beneath him.
He holds me until I quiet, and then he gathers my spent body in his arms and carries me home. He leaves me standing on my doorstep an hour before sunrise and walks away without a word. As if maybe I haven’t mattered after all.
But he showed me a glimpse of the other side, and I’m already addicted. There’s nothing I won’t do, to feel that again.
The days of summer roll on, and I stay on my best behavior, hoping he’ll see me and praise me for my efforts. I’m full of secret smiles when I see him around town, but he remains immune to my flirty glances and barely looks my way.
All I want is for him to come closer, but he won’t, and that hurts so badly I can barely stand to live.
I resort to old habits to lure him in, hoping to ease the pain in my heart any way that I can. I’m so afraid that without him, I’ll die.
And nobody will even notice.
Mandi fucking Warren.
What in the world am I going to do with her?
Young and troubled, the girl’s a mess, and I’ve got issues of my own. I don’t want to drag her down any further. She’s too young for me to corrupt with my perversions and need for control, and I don’t belong on her side of society. There’s no way my affection for her won’t be problematic for us both.
She deserves better than the likes of me, and I’m trying to stay away, but she drives me to madness. She wants my attention, and after several infuriating attempts, she’s going to sacrifice all she has to cause a scene I can’t ignore.
This time, she’s gone too far.
We’re both breathing hard. Our chests clash with each desperate gasp, crashing into each other again and again, while her stepfather, Melvin, lies subdued in a bloody heap next to us. I’ll decide how to deal with him properly once I’m done with her.
Mandi strains and struggles beneath me, but the light in her eyes tells me she doesn’t mean to escape. She knows I like her resistance, and she’s doing this on purpose, to weaken my resolve.
Naked as one should be when they’re ready to be reborn as something new, she’s committed to her plan to seduce me. She’s all in.
It’s not every day a girl will throw her life away, to bait a known criminal and obsessed stalker to dominate her. It’s ludicrous. And a damn sound plan, because I can no longer stand idly by and watch her self-destruct.