“Come on!” she hissed. “Get dressed. We’re leaving.”
“No, Elodie, wait.” Sinking to the bed, apprehension churned in my stomach. “It’s not as simple as that.”
“What do you mean?” Her brow creased. “You’re not seriously saying you’ve fallen for the brute, have you?”
I blew out a breath, her mocking tone ringing in my ears.
“I’m saying I need time.”
“We don’t have time.” She moved closer. “He’ll be back any moment. If we go now, we can get a head start on them. The boat I came over in will still be there. We just have to get to it.”
“It’s not there.” It didn’t please me to crush her spirit, but she may as well know the truth.
“It’s not there anymore.” I sighed, wrapping the fur tighter around me.
“Of course, it is!”
“I heard one of Rasmie’s men, Aidan, last night.” Closing my eyes, I recalled the conversation. “They dragged the boat from the shore, but I don’t know what happened to it after that.”
My gaze opened at her shocked tone.
“They can’t do that. They can’t!”
“They have.” I patted the bed beside me, gesturing for her to sit down. “And El, I have other news.”
She collapsed on the covers, her expression shell shocked.
“How the hell are we going to get away now? I’ll have to build another one, but that could take weeks, and—”
“Elodie.” I raised my voice, conscious that Rasmie and his men could be close by.
“What?” she snapped.
“I’m pregnant.” Irritated by her brusque tone, I blurted the words, my palm returning to my tummy as if to reinforce the point.
“Oh God, no.” Elodie’s voice broke. “Why aren’t you on the contraceptive jab like me? We talked about this.”
“I didn’t think I needed it. I didn’t need it... until I came here.”
“Are you sure you’re not just late?” Concern etched into her pretty face.
“El, you know I’m never late.” I reached for her hand.
“Yeah, I know.”
“It makes things more complicated.” I could hardly wrap my head around the reality.
“Why?” she shrugged. “You don’t want to keep it, do you?”
I flinched at the contempt in her voice. “Yes, actually, I might.”
“Desiree.” She shook her head at me. “Come on, be sensible. You hardly even know the guy.”
“He’s my husband.” I knew how pathetic that sounded as soon as it left my lips.