“Elodie!” Desiree’s tone was frantic as she inched closer on the bed.
“You shall be judged, yes, and likely serve as wife to one of my men.” I watched as her mouth fell open. “Do not worry, though. As the sister of my wife, I shall ensure you unite with someone of equal significance in my village.”
“You realize you can’t do this, right?”
“Little lady,”—I lifted my chin at the first tremor of impertinence in her tone—“I can do as I wish.”
“I have rights... we have rights!” She motioned to Desiree, whose face had grown ashen.
“Please, Maighstir,” Desiree intervened. “She is new here and does not understand your ways. Be merciful.”
“Don’t beg him for mercy.” Elodie balked at her sister’s entreaty. “He doesn’t own you, and he certainly doesn’t own me!”
My gaze fell to my wife, her fawn eyes frantic. “I shall offer her this one reprieve.” I reached for Desiree’s hand and squeezed it. “But only this one, and I do so only as a kindness to you, nighean bheag.”
“Taing do, Maighstir.” Desiree flashed me a grateful smile as her sister flung her arms into the air.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know. Why are you both talking about me like I’m not?”
My focus flitted back to the blue-eyed girl. So like her older sister in looks, it appeared Elodie’s hot-headedness would require an even firmer hand. Briefly, I considered Jeemie’s request again. Was he really strong enough to manage a woman as wild as this? Even Alban or I would likely find her a challenge.
“I suggest silence, Elodie.” Moving in her direction, I relished the way those blue orbs widened. “You are doing neither yourself nor your sister any favors with this performance.”
“You have no right,” she whispered as I towered over her.
“Funny,” I replied. “Your sister once said precisely the same.” I glanced back at my blushing wife, my gaze lingering on her exquisite cheekbones.
“What have you done to her?” Elodie snarled, thrusting her tiny fist against my chest as I twisted back to face her. “What have you done to my sister?”
“I have protected her.” Grabbing one, then the other of her wrists, I held them between us. “I have vowed to spend the rest of my days caring and loving her.”
“You have broken her,” she hissed, fighting to be free of my grasp. “I won’t let you get away with it.”
Turning toward Desiree, I tugged her sister with me. “It seems the reprieve was short-lived.”
“Rasmie, please.” Desiree rose onto her knees. “She doesn’t understand what you expect. She’s young.”
“She is old enough,” I corrected.
“That’s right, old man,” Elodie spat, lifting her foot and slamming it down on top of my left boot. “Old enough to know a misogynistic bastard when I meet one.”
“For God’s sake, El, stop!”
I almost laughed at Desiree’s desperate tone. I understood her concern well enough, but it did not excuse the behavior of her unruly sister.
“I fear Elodie must be kept somewhere safe.” I met Desiree’s tearful eyes as the banshee in my hands shrieked and struggled. “Until I can make a judgment.”
“Please, not the bridge.” Desiree clambered from the bed, almost falling over her heavy skirt.
“No.” My gaze slipped from one sister to the other, from the temperate to the disruptive, from the older to the younger. “Not the bridge. It will not do for a woman.”
“Then where, Maighstir?”
“I know a place.” I could hardly control the grin that stretched at my lips. “Somewhere she will be safe until I have reached my verdict.”
“Where?” Desiree was hysterical as she struggled to mediate between her sister and me.
“You shall see soon enough,” I told her. “Until then, you remain here. My men will be outside to ensure your compliance.”