IT ALL HAPPENED IN a blur. The excitement of escape was overridden by the terror of what was to come. Leaving Desiree and Rasmie to their alleged good news, Jeemie secured my wrists with a length of rope he found in Rasmie’s dwelling. My mind was in freefall as he fettered me, aware I should resist, yet paralyzed to act. I refused to believe it was the enticing quality of the punishment that pinioned me to the spot, focusing instead on the rightful fear that burgeoned.
“It is good you have finally bound her.” Rasmie grinned as he stepped out from his bedchamber. “I suggest more tethers for the foreseeable future.”
“How dare you,” I choked out, knowing soon enough he, like all the others, would see me naked again and witness my utter disgrace.
“I dare, little girl, as does my brother.” Rasmie came to a halt in front of me. “You shall find us highlanders much harder to manipulate than your men.”
“Maighstir, I wish to see Audra about arranging the blooms.” Jeemie glanced in my direction. “May I leave her here while I attend to the matter?”
“Aye.” Rasmie gestured to the door.
“Wh-What?” I spluttered, moving toward Jeemie. “You’re leaving me with him?”
“Aye, doe nighean.” Jeemie glared at me. “Do you recall what I just warned you about?”
I flushed at his admonishing tone, unused to its hard quality. His terse tone stung almost as much as his hand. The brute who’d knocked up my sister was always full of hot air, but Jeemie was different.
“And?” His eyebrow cocked as his chin lifted proudly. “How do you refer to my brother?”
My gaze fell as I summated my situation. Hands bound, I was already in enough trouble. My plan to flee had failed, and there was little hope of another try anytime soon. Jeemie would be watching me like a hawk. For now, better I complied with their ridiculous ways, better I bide my time and think again about how to deliver Desiree and myself from this overwhelming nightmare. Pregnant or not, she couldn’t stay here. Soon—once emotions had settled—she would come to realize that and would help us get away.
“As our maighstir.” I tried not to register the deference in my tone.
“Speak up!” Rasmie barked as he moved closer. “I did not hear you.”
“I said you are our maighstir.” Meeting his eyes, I ensured my gaze conveyed my true feelings, even if my lips dared not speak them. Rasmie was little more than a bully, using coercion and patriarchy to rule. I wouldn’t stand for this, and the Desiree I used to know wouldn’t have, either.
“Go find Audra.” Rasmie motioned to Jeemie. “She shall be fine with me.”
“Behave.” Jeemie pointed his finger at me as he gave the order as though I was nothing more than a badly trained dog. “I shall be back soon.”
My heart pounded as I watched him stride out the door.
“You know you shall do better here if you would only learn to cede.” Watching me, Rasmie slid into one of the chairs assembled by the fire. “Desiree was much the same when she arrived, but she learned to settle.”
“What will you do with her?” I asked, not wanting to discuss his observation. This was all difficult enough without fueling his pathetic ego. “You shouldn’t punish her as well. It’s not fair, and she’s pregnant. The first few weeks are—”
He raised his palm in an obscene gesture for silence.
“You need not concern yourself. Your sister’s wellbeing and that of our child are my number one priority. On the other hand, you were asked to refer to me properly.”
Blowing out a breath, I faced the fire, unwilling to concede to his point.
“I do not know why my brother finds your insolence so alluring. I would not stand for it.”
“And I would not put up with the way you treat my sister,” I snarled, piercing him with my angry stare.
“Yet still, you do not address me properly?” Rasmie laughed, tipping his head back. “I can only conclude you seek the additional strikes Jeemie promised.”
I turned at Desiree’s voice to find her waiting by the furs, dressed in another of the odious and heavy gowns the women wore.
“Come, nighean bheag.” Rasmie beckoned her to join him. “I am just babysitting your sister.”
“El?” She appealed to me with those eyes as she reached for his enormous hand. “Are you okay?”