“I am so happy.”
“Congratulations, Maighstir and Mathair.” Reaching for Elodie’s hand, I tugged her toward the exit. “We shall depart and wait for you in the next chamber.”
“What?” Elodie complained as I steered her out of the bedchamber. “No! I don’t know what he will do to her. I—”
Pressing my finger to her lips, she was finally silent.
“Our maighstir adores your sister,” I assured her, guiding her toward the fire. “He shall do nothing to jeopardize the child.”
Swallowing around my finger, she jerked away from my body.
“And what of me?”
“What of you?”
“Are you going to let him do those things to me?” Her chest rose and fell, her obvious fury simmering just below the surface.
“Rasmie has every right to set the rules,” I reminded her. “You knew that when you tried to flee.”
She closed her eyes as I moved closer.
“I thought we were past this.” My brow furrowed with the admission. “Thought you wanted to stay with me.”
“I still can’t believe the things we did,” she murmured, her gaze flickering open as she turned toward the flames. “The things I let you do.”
“Because you enjoyed them,” I reminded her. “There is no shame in that.”
“But there is shame, Jeemie.” She pulled in a breath, but I had the sense she was perilously close to the brink. “I can’t wrap my head around them, can’t believe I came when you spanked me.”
“You were exquisite.” My cock roused at the incredible memory. “And you shall be again.”
“But this time, he wants you to spank me in public.” Her voice trembled.
“Aye,” I concurred. “He is our maighstir. Unless you want additional swats, I suggest you start using the title.”
“You’re really going to do this?”
“Oh, yes,” I assured her. “You deserve it, doe nighean, for the offense you caused our maighstir and the way you wounded me.”
Her brows knitted, puzzlement flashing in her eyes.
“Did you not think how I would feel to wake and find you gone?” I pressed closer to her body. “Did you not imagine my embarrassment to find you embroiled in this fracas?”
“I-I didn’t think. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I think you thought only of yourself, doe nighean, and that must change. Tomorrow, you shall become my wife.”
“Oh God.” She heaved in a breath. “Don’t you care that I don’t want this?”
“You shall come around to the idea.” Burying my fingers into her hair, I fisted it roughly. “Just as your sister did.”
“I’m not Desiree,” she protested, her hands reaching to untangle my digits from her tresses. “You can’t expect me to react the same way.”
“I know just how you respond, little doe.” Batting her hands away, I restrained them at the wrists and forced them behind her back. “I know how wet and needy you became under the tutelage of my palm, and soon, so will everyone else.”
Chapter Thirty