“Let me help you, Elodie.”
“Help me?” I sniffed. “You want to spank me.”
“To guide you.” His voice was irritatingly smooth, so cajoling. “To bring us closer.”
“Closer?” I blinked away the tears, refusing to acknowledge the vulnerability they conveyed.
“Yes,” he reiterated, tugging my unwilling body into his embrace. “Closer. Elodie, look at me.”
It took every ounce of my willpower to fight my natural defiance and force my chin to meet his soft gaze.
“What?” I flinched at the petulance in my voice.
“You must know I care for you.” His lips twitched. “I do not mess up my bed with women I do not care for.”
Glancing toward the aforementioned bed, I sighed. “It’s only sex.”
“No,” he persisted. “It is not only sex. It is something far greater, and you know it.”
Once more, the precision of his analysis pierced me. How could a man, who I only met a matter of hours before, be able to see the routes into my soul? It was disturbing.
“So, you spank me, then what?” I couldn’t get over my sense of entitlement, the simmering audacity I’d worn as a mask for so long, I didn’t know how else to portray myself. I was either the seductive temptress or the sulking drama queen; there was no in-between. “Do you think I’ll accept being treated that way?”
“I believe you will when you see what it means.” Releasing me from the cell of his arms, one of his hands trailed a line up the length of my body. “I only want to honor and protect you, but I will spank your cute ass when you need it.”
Crap, why did he make that sound so hot?
“Do you enjoy it?” I swallowed at my own question. “The spanking, I mean.”
“Oh, yes.”
I turned away from his scorching gaze, trying to catch my breath.
“But I know I shall relish it more when it is only you and I. I know I can alter the experience for you.”
Alter it—what did that mean?
Wait, what was I saying? Was I consenting to this madness? My quickening pulse was a testament to the energy furling inside at the thought—he was going to spank me, sprawl me over his thighs, and take control.
“Okay?” His tone was intrigued.
I glimpsed his face, my sex clenching at his gravelly tone.
“Okay, you agree to be spanked?”
“I still don’t like it, but yes.” I couldn’t believe the words coming from my mouth. “You’re right, I do trust you.” Why was I telling him that?
“Taing do, doe bheag.” He beamed as his arms closed around me again, one palm pressing me into his naked chest.
Breathing in his masculine scent, I was reminded of the earth-shattering orgasm the man had just provided.
“Join me again by the fire.” Planting a kiss on my forehead, he reached for my hand and gestured for me to follow.
My heart raced as I complied, this new willingness to cede almost as perplexing as the way my body responded to his show of authority. Waiting by the leaping flames, I watched as he moved toward the small table and tugged a chair forward.
Meeting my eyes, he took a seat. “Come.” Once more, his single finger beckoned me forward.