“Aye, I shall.” I had spent my life answering to my elder brother. What difference would this matter make? “You can wait outside if you so wish. I shall let you know when she is safely ensconced in the aviary.” I saw the two exchange a glance in my peripheral vision.
“So be it, Jeemie.” Drewie was the first to release her, patting me on the shoulder as he passed. “For your sake, I hope she does not flee.”
“I am more than capable of managing one doe bheag,” I told him, my gaze fixed on the panting brunette before me.
“Aye,” Duff replied, finally releasing his grasp. “Let us hope so.”
I waited until their footsteps reached the entrance before I spoke again.
“Ask me again.”
“Wh-What?” If it was possible, her eyes widened further, her head still held in place by my fist.
“You prior question,” I reminded her. “Ask me again.”
“What are you going to do to me, Jeemie?”
One small hand rose to my face. I watched its approach, tensing as her fingers brushed across the stubble on my chin.
“Are you going to hurt me?”
“No, doe bheag.” Turning my face, I pressed my lips to her diminutive digits. “I never shall.”
“What then?” She did not pull her hand away as my mouth grazed her flesh. “What’s all this about?”
“If the Gods are willing, I shall protect you,” I murmured.
For a fleeting moment, I considered drawing one finger into my mouth and sucking it, the idea far more scintillating than was reasonable. She was still a stranger to me, Rasmie had not made up his mind about our union, and I was yet to even enact his orders about the aviary.
“I shall cherish you, Elodie.”
“I believe you.” She pulled in a shaky breath. “I can’t wrap my head around most of this and still don’t understand anything about this place, but for some reason, I believe you, Jeemie.”
“Good.” Her reply was pleasing. “Know it to be true.”
“You still want me to go in there?” she signaled to the wooden cage with her eyes.
“Aye,” I answered. “You must.”
I sensed the effort it was taking for her not to either run, kick, or burst into tears.
“For your sister, yes.”
“Not for you?”
Her query surprised me, my brow rising as I glanced back at her face. “I do as my maighstir bids.”
“You don’t want to see me naked then?” One of her mischievous eyebrows rose as if she was daring me to defy her.
“Do not tease me, doe bheag,” I growled, trying to ignore the insistent throbbing of my hard organ. “I shall make you regret it.”
“Do you promise?” Her voice was breathless, and I had the sense it wasn’t only my stiffening fingers that induced the response.
“Yes, doe bheag.” My lips skimmed over hers. “In the name of the gods, I vow it.”
Chapter Eighteen