“Rasmie, please!”
One withering look silenced her latest appeal before my concentration returned to her untamed sibling. Obscenities flew from Elodie’s lips as I lowered and reached for her hips. Collecting her at the middle, I tossed her over my shoulder, disregarding her hands banging into my back. Even the wildest, most wayward woman could be brought to heel with time and the right tools. Unfortunately for her, I had both.
Chapter Sixteen
I SCREAMED AS THE BRUTE carried me away from Desiree, my last view of her anxious face slipping away as the furs fell to conceal her. What was happening to me? I’d made the arduous journey to save her, but I’d never counted on this—an island of goliaths, all who seemed hellbent on picking me up as if I was a possession.
“Put me down!” I yelled as he strode on with me, punching the back of his bright red plaid. How dare he do this, how dare any of them touch me? It was awful enough his brother had carried me this way, but this brute was worse, transporting me into the open, where the shouts and jeers of others rose at the spectacle.
I panted as his voice thundered past me.
“This one needs the aviary.”
“Aye, Maighstir.” The more familiar tone of the one who’d greeted me on shore echoed past my ears, but I couldn’t catch sight of him no matter how hard I squirmed. “Where?”
“The grand hall for now,” came the reply from the beast still brandishing me over his shoulder. “Let us see how a few hours of forbidden ordeal settles her.”
Anger flared at the way both spoke of me as if I wasn’t here. My toes kicked into his torso as hard as I could muster, though frustratingly, the impacts seemed to have little effect.
“Stop that.” Rasmie’s tone was almost playful, and to my horror, his hand swatted my upturned backside.
“Oww!” I screeched, disgusted at the treatment. “Let. Me. Down!”
“You shall come down from our maighstir’s shoulder soon enough.” Jeemie passed in front of me, lowering to his haunches to look me in the eye. “Stop fighting and comply.” Rising to his full height once more, he was gone, striding off to obey whatever absurdity his brother had commanded.
“What did you hope to achieve when you came here?” Rasmie’s hand settled on my ass, and appalled, I tried to wiggle free of his grasp, but it was no use. The thug was too big, too strong, and held every advantage as he tipped my world upside down.
“I came for Desiree.” A wave of unease washed over me, similar to the one I had experienced earlier, except worse—this time, I feared the outcome more than the mode of transport. “I thought she was dead.”
“Then I am pleased to report she is not.” He turned, taking me with him. “In fact, she has been well fed and tended to since her arrival.”
“I... I didn’t know.” It was difficult to engage in more meaningful conversation. The blood rushing to my head was exacerbating my pain and making it hard to think.
“No, you did not. You assumed I had hurt her, I suppose?” He was moving again, wandering past the rows of sneering people.
“No, I assumed she was stranded, alone, or injured.” Why was I even explaining? I didn’t owe this idiot anything. “I thought she needed help.”
“I understand.” Our surroundings changed as he stepped inside a building. “I am also a brother and know the draw of our kin.”
“Then you know why I’m here.” My head spun as I landed back on my feet, but before I could flee, two more of the goliaths moved to either side of me.
“Hold her,” Rasmie commanded as he stared down at me. “Jeemie and the others are erecting the aviary.”
“Aye, Maighstir.” The two strangers clutched my arms, grasping me tightly.
“Yes, now I understand why you came, but it does not sway my decision on how to manage you.” His blue eyes burned with authority. “I will not accept the way you behaved in my chamber.”
“My behavior has nothing to do with you!” I scoffed, straining but failing to be free of the men’s iron grips.
“It does when you are in my bedchamber,” he corrected, folding his arms across his chest. “It does when you are punching me or in the presence of my wife.”
“She’s my sister!” I spat, trying to reign in my temper. I wasn’t cowered by his size or strength. I’d seen uglier, more powerful men fall. “And she always will be.”
“This one has spirit.” Another ridiculously tall man entered from outside, striding over to assess me. “I hear she is related to your woman, Rasmie?”