“Oh God.” I rose as my eyes flew open. If that same brute was the one I could hear around me now, the last thing I wanted to do was draw his attention.
I spun at the sound of her voice, instantly knowing it was my sister—the woman I’d come here for.
My eyes filled with tears as I took in the sight of her. She looked different from the sister I remembered, with her hair braided in some bizarre way and her comfy pants replaced by a long, heavy-looking gown, but she was alive.
“Are you okay?”
Wiping away her own tears, she flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around my body. “It’s so good to see you, but I can’t believe you’ve come.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” It was amazing to see her again, but I still didn’t know anything about what had happened to her, aside from some sketchy memory of the giant who snatched me, inferring she’d been abducted. Drawing away, I held her at arm’s length as I drank in her complexion. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” she reassured. “But you shouldn’t have come, Elodie.”
“I came for you.” My head was clearing, my original objective sharp in my mind. “To get you away from here and take you back home.”
“That sounds nice, but it’s not going to be so easy.”
“I have a boat,” I wasn’t interested in her explanations. “I can easily get us back to the next island, farther if I have to.”
“Elodie.” She reached for me, her fingers closing over my hand. “It’s not so straightforward. This place is surrounded by armed men. There is no getting away.”
My brows furrowed as her predicament cemented.
“They’re holding you hostage.” Suddenly, it all made sense. That was the reason she hadn’t come home, why she hadn’t gotten a message to us. She’d had no choice.
“Sort of.” She squirmed on the bed beside me. “It’s been a confusing time.”
“What do you mean?” I couldn’t understand her answer. “What about Charlie? Where’s he?” The ache in my head wasn’t letting up. “Surely, he tried to protect you?”
“Charlie?” Desiree shook her head, her voice wry. “He was the reason I was taken.”
“He forced himself on me, El.” Fire burned in her eyes, anger morphing into pain. “Or, at least, he tried to. He would have hurt me had it not been for Rasmie.”
“Rasmie?” My heart raced. I’d known that Charlie had it bad for Des, but in a million years, I never would have expected him to harm her. Shock pulsed through my veins, transforming into hot anger. “And what do you mean, forced himself on you?”
“You know what I mean.” Her voice was quiet, confirming my worst fears.
“That little fucker,” I hissed. “Where is he? I’ll fucking kill him!”
“El.” Her digits squeezed mine. “It’s been taken care of.”
“Taken care of?” Even I could hear the disgust in my tone. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Rasmie took care of it.” She flinched, her body straightening as she glanced away.
“Who’s Rasmie?” Even as I asked, I knew—he had to be the leader Jeemie had referred to.
“The man who took me.” Her voice was clipped. “The one who stopped Charlie.”
“Des.” I pulled my hand free and reached for her shoulder. “What happened? Tell me everything.”
“I don’t know if I can.” Tears burned in her eyes as her gaze slid back to me. “So much has happened.”