“Maighstir, I must add that beyond her visage, Elodie is nothing like her sister.”
“Meaning, she is not docile and will resent any type of incarceration.” I met his stare.
“They all do,” he assured me with an air of arrogance. “She will come around, just as Desiree did.”
“I hope you are correct.”
Though I suspected, he was using assumption as the basis for his conceited approach. Rasmie had not seen the way Elodie had managed the boat or witnessed her pluck as she landed on our shores. She was not as unqualified as Desiree, and I suspected she would put up much more of a fight.
“I am,” he concluded. “Take her to Desiree. The time with her kin will please her.”
“And the other matter?” I pressed him as he turned on his heel. “When will you make a judgment?”
“I bring judgment when I decide.” Glancing back over his shoulder, his face screwed into a scowl. “You, of all people, Jeemie, should understand this.”
“I shall take her to our mathair.”
I did not seek conflict with my brother and understood well enough the trials and tribulations leadership had cost him. It was why I was happy to let him be in charge and had never sought a tussle for power, but I resented the way he leveraged it over me now. I deserved compassion in the matter of marriage. If he had the right to choose his own bride, why should I not enjoy the same courtesy?
Turning, I pulled Elodie against my chest as I headed toward the place he shared with Desiree.
My feet halted at his tone, and inhaling, I forced myself to spin and face his command. “Aye, Maighstir.”
“We shall find a route through this labyrinth, you and I.” He lifted his chin, his blue eyes imploring, though his lips offered no such solace. “I shall find the best way—the right way—to benefit our people.”
That was not the reassurance I was looking for.
“Aye, Maighstir.”
“Settle her with Desiree, attend to your business, then come to me. There is more for us to discuss.” He nodded before striding in the opposite direction. Our parley on the matter was apparently over.
Chapter Thirteen
FIDDLING WITH THE YARN, I wanted to scream. Aileen had attempted to teach me how to weave on numerous occasions, but no matter how patient her tuition or avid my attention, I seemed doomed to fail.
I threw the fiber onto the wood table, staring into the dancing flames of the fire.
There was nothing for it. I’d never make a decent wife to a man like Rasmie, not when he insisted I try such laborious and mind-numbing activities. It was true, I didn’t have many obvious skills to offer his people, aside from the conception he and everyone else so desperately sought, but there had to be more to my existence than this tiresome routine?
After I convinced my alleged husband to unfetter me from his bed each day, and he ravished and fed me, he insisted I practice more of these cumbersome customs, and none of them were for me.
My gaze slid to the small window on the opposite side of Rasmie’s quarters and the light spilling in from outside. There was a whole world waiting for me out there, and I was trapped in here like a domesticated animal, waiting for my master to come back and pet me. Frustration furled at the analogy, mainly because it was so damn true. I’d allowed his sexual prowess to cloud my judgment, and rather than spending my time planning how I was going to get away, I was increasingly captured by the duties he thrust upon me—weaving the latest one.
There had to be more to life than this. More than sitting here, waiting to fall pregnant and bear his child. My brows knitted as I struggled with the idea for the umpteenth time. I still didn’t know if I wanted to be a mother, but for Rasmie, it was a given. Every woman desired motherhood, especially the one he chose to be his wife.
The sound of footsteps from the doorway splintered my internal monologue, and expecting to see Rasmie, my gaze flew to the entrance. It was a surprise to find his brother, Jeemie, looming there, but what he carried in his arms took my breath away.
“Jeemie?” I rose from my chair, moving toward him. “Who is that?”
“Desiree...” He smiled, affording me a small nod as he closed the distance to meet me halfway. “I have brought your sister, Elodie.”