“I had thought to give you Aileen. One of us should take an island lass.”
“But,” I prompted, sensing where his train of thought was going, “if she is a good fit, you have the discretion to offer her to me.”
“We shall see, brother.” Rasmie shook his head, making no promises. “First, tell me... who is she?”
Easing her from my shoulder, I cradled her head as it fell into the crook of my arm. I waited as his stare fell to her face.
“She is Elodie, sister of our mathair, Desiree.”
Rasmie’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of her in my arms.
“Desiree’s sister?”
“Yes, Maighstir.”
“Why has she come here?”
“Seemingly, to save her sister.”
“To save her?” My brother’s lips stretched into a smirk. “She knows nothing of our people, then?”
“Of course not. We never reveal ourselves to the wider world.”
“Yet still they come.” He snorted as if he couldn’t believe the quandary.
“You see why I am so taken with her, brother?”
“I do.” His gaze slid to me. “She is the image of her sister, and if I am not mistaken, younger than her sibling.”
“I am not sure. She spoke not of her age, only her intent to bring her sister home.”
“What did you tell her?” Rasmie fixed me with his stare.
“That I would take her to you.” I met his gaze. “And later, that Desiree had become yours.”
Silence passed between us as we once again glanced at our newest stranger.
“I know you shall not permit her to leave now she is here.” I pulled Elodie closer to me. “Why not give her to me? You yourself said I needed a wife.”
“I had not anticipated the gods bringing another woman from the mainland.” He looked to the sky as if the divine were going to answer. “I need to take guidance on this matter.”
A flicker of anger manifested in my belly at his resistance. I was usually immune to the jealousy that fueled our younger brother, Alban. He had spent his life whining about the injustice that Rasmie was the eldest, the leader, the one who got to make decisions, while I was happy to acquiesce and enjoy life as his brother, but for the first time, I comprehended Alban’s disdain. How was it right that Rasmie took Desiree for himself without query while he needed guidance on whether to give her sister to me? If it was so important we breed with local girls, then surely, he, as our leader, should have done so. He set the tone for all men when he modeled behavior, not me, his younger sibling.
“Guidance?” I couldn’t help the derision in my tone.
“Aye.” His voice hardened.
“From the soothsayer?”
“From the gods,” he corrected. “They have never let me down.”
“In the meantime?” Embers of injustice ignited, his terse tone doing nothing to assuage me. “What should I do with her?” I glanced down at Elodie’s pretty face. “I am not leaving her to the fate of the village.”
“No.” He paused, considering the options. “She will stay with my wife until my decision is made.”
“With Desiree?”
“Aye.” Rasmie wasn’t used to being questioned, let alone by me.