“Nigheab bheag?”
She sighed, apparently at ease with the pet name I had given her, though I would use it whatever her feelings.
“Can I ask you something?”
Tension furled in the pit of my stomach, my responses torn. I was pleased she saw fit to seek my permission—the young woman who had arrived at my island would not have seen the need—but whenever Desiree was curious, it tended to tip the balance between us.
“You may ask.” I promised her no resolution or consolation. She had leave to speak, but that was where the allowance ended.
“What should I do?”
It was her turn to draw away, her small limbs untangling from mine as she created space between our bodies. Curled onto my lap, we sat together in the great hall of judgment. The morning’s business having been attended to, my people had left us alone, our presence only disturbing Ava when she came to sweep the floor.
“About what?” My brow creased at her confusing question.
“With my time.”
I could tell she was trying to remain calm and respectful, trying to negotiate the line, which made her point without seeing her flipped back over my thighs. I had permitted her a gown for breakfast and watched wryly as she squirmed in its heavy cloth folds. No doubt her delicious backside was sore after its most recent correction, though I was sure she would never admit it.
“You do not like being here with me like this?” My tone was wry, teasing her into another foolish admission.
“I don’t mean that.” She swallowed, evidently aware of the traps I set for her. “Only that, I have no purpose here.”
“No purpose?” Could I be hearing her correctly? “How can you say such a thing? Desiree, you have every purpose—the highest purpose of any woman. You are to birth my son, an heir for our people.”
“Apart from that.” Her shoulder fell as if she had been expecting my reaction. “I mean, what can I do aside from having babies, Maighstir?”
“What else would you like to do?”
My tone was terse, conveying the frustration simmering just below the surface. Women from the mainland were relentlessly vexing. They seemed to have a long list of unachievable goals, none of which made them happy. I had given Desiree the greatest of all intentions. What more could she possibly require?
“I don’t know.” She looked around as if the answer would fall into her lap. “But I must do something, Rasmie. Even if I am pregnant this month, it will be nine months before the baby comes, and...” Her voice trailed away, the tension visible in her shoulders as she fought for composure.
“You seek something to fill your days.” Leaning back in my chair, I offered her a lazy smile. I understood more of her riddle now that she had accepted her place in the community. “A way to fill the hours?”
“Exactly.” She sniffed back the tears that had risen. “I cannot just sit here to be stripped and spanked every few hours.”
My cock throbbed at her glorious metaphor; the analogy sounded much better than she had probably intended.
“I do not know,” I purred, reaching for her luscious hair and smoothing it away from her face. “That sounds like a fine life to me.”
“Maighstir.” Her tone was exasperated. “Please.”
“Hush,” I soothed, shaking my head with a smile. “We shall find a way to amuse you. The hours can be long here, especially when the days grow short. That is why everybody has a role in the village.”
“That’s what I mean.” She shifted on my lap again, pain flickering in her wonderful fawn eyes. “I need a role as well. If we conceive now, I won’t have the baby until the summer. That’s a long time to do nothing.”
My lips curled at her logic. It was pleasing to hear her speak about our child as a real entity. He would be here soon enough.
“And riding your maighstir’s cock does not count as a worthwhile way to fill the time?”
“Rasmie.” Her tone lowered to a hushed whisper as she glanced over her shoulder to see who else had heard my query.
I was not sure why. Most of my people had seen her naked and witnessed her punishments, and they all knew I was screwing her avidly, not only because I needed an heir but because she drove me crazy. Where was the harm in expressing my desire?
“Yes, my love?” I arched an eyebrow, knowing full well the effect it would have on her sweet little sex.
“That’s not what I mean. If I am to stay, I need something to do, some way to contribute.”