Page 70 of In the Shadows

It’s not like I’m getting any information. I’m no closer to finding out if Davenport knows Camilla is with us than I was when Crew gave me this ridiculous assignment, and I don’t know how many more nights I can spend in a different car so my constant presence isn’t noticed.

A man catches my eye as he moves toward Davenport’s black SUV. He doesn’t have his driver tonight, which I thought was strange initially, but he hasn’t deviated from his usual routine, so I guess it’s just the poor guy’s night off or something.

The man moves in the shadows, a black hood over his head as he approaches, never lifting his head as he goes.

“What are you doing?” I murmur to myself, picking up my gun from the seat beside me.

He makes quick work of breaking into the car, and before I realize I’m doing it, I throw open the door and close the distance between myself and the man. I don’t give a fuck about what he’s doing, but if he’s already broken in, it’s a good excuse to install a listening device.

I watch from the shadows behind a dumpster as the man rummages around in the center console before he curses and throws the door closed before stalking off.

What the fuck was that about?

I send a quick text to our tech guy, asking him to pull the security footage from the area for me to review when I return to the complex, before moving toward the car myself.

I wouldn’t normally do this kind of thing in a three-piece suit and two-thousand-dollar shoes, but when I got dressed, I didn’t think this was how my night would play out. I’ve been toying with the idea of stealing Davenport’s phone to install a listening device, but it’s too risky to get that close to him. The car is a good alternative, although not one I would have considered if it hadn’t already been broken into.

I make quick work of slipping the device into the lining beneath the passenger seat before stalking off in the opposite direction of my car.

By the time I’ve done a lap of the block, Davenport is climbing into the driver’s seat of the car with his phone in his hand.

When I finally make it back to the complex, my eyes are heavy, and I’m six coffees deep. Not that any of them did anything to ease the fatigue, but it was worth a try.

I yawn as I climb from the car and move through the heavy doors and toward Camilla’s room. I need to debrief my dad, but I need to see her first. I need the reminder of why I’m doing this. To keep her safe. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to do that.

When I open the door, I’m surprised to find Kaos wrapped around her like a boa constrictor, his body swamping hers with only her wild brown hair visible against the pillows.

Crew is asleep in the armchair I spent the first week she was here in, and a small smile tips up the corners of my lips.

Maybe my absence has been good for something.



I’m sick of listening to this motherfucker’s voice.

It’s been three days of this bullshit, and I’ve never wanted to tear someone’s tongue out more than I do right now.

Bishop is still following Davenport, but he can’t do that and monitor the device he installed in the car. Which is how I got lumped into doing it.

If I thought I hated him before, it’s nothing compared to how I feel about him now. The dirty dealings are hardly a surprise, but his constant whining about us and the other families is getting on my nerves. I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought about cutting the fucker’s tongue out in the last three days.

He doesn’t talk about Camilla much, which is surprising, but I’m beginning to wonder if talk of her is more frequent in his clubs and other businesses.

I yawn and stretch my arms above my head, shifting in my office chair as I glance around the bare space. All four of us have offices, but mine is rarely used. Kovu and I tend to prefer to do our business with our fists, so a desk and chair aren’t usually part of the plan. I’ve spent more time in here this week than I have in the last year.

“Have you set the meet?” Davenport’s voice fills the room, and my attention snaps back to the screen of my laptop.

“Yes, boss. Knight is going to meet you tomorrow night, but he’s not happy about it. I don’t know if your plan is going to work.”

“Of course it’ll work. As soon as we have one turn against them, the rest will follow, and then we’ll finally have our city back.”

I roll my eyes and reach for my phone to send a quick text to the group chat, letting them know of his plans before dropping it back on the desk.

There’s silence for a few moments, and I begin to think the conversation is over, but then the other person in the car speaks again.

“The other families seem happy with the way things are run. Why the sudden need to overthrow the Syndicate?”