Her lips are hesitant against mine, but she doesn’t pull away. Would I let her if she did? Probably not. I’m not used to being denied what I want, and there’s nothing I want more than to devour the little menace perched on the edge of my desk.
I drop my hand from her chin and sink it into the back of her dark hair, holding her in place as my lips take what they want from her, desperate and needy. The fire that burns in my stomach is like nothing I’ve ever felt before, and once I get my first taste of her, there’s no coming back. I thought those gentle kisses in the kitchen would tie me over for a little while, but if anything, they dragged me deeper into her orbit.
I bite down on her bottom lip, eliciting a sharp hiss from her throat before I drag my tongue over the bite marks, soothing the pain for her.
When I finally drag my lips away from here, we’re both breathing heavily. She stares into my eyes, hers blown wide and conflicted, but she doesn’t pull away. Her breath whispers across my cheeks, and I can’t help but lean closer.
“Do you understand now, Camilla?”
Isqueeze my cock through my jeans. The sight of Crew taking what he wants from Camilla is way too fucking hot and certainly not what I was expecting when I brought her in here.
I thought they would yell at each other a little, maybe she would slap him. Hell, I was hoping for that last part. None of us can get away with it without him flattening us, but she could get away with murder with any of us. Except Kaos. He’s still a work in progress.
“Do you understand now, Camilla?”
He’s out of breath from their kiss, but I think he’s likely got his point across. When Rogers started talking to her about birth control, I was hardly surprised that she blew the fuck up. I would have been more surprised if she hadn’t, honestly, but this was a show I never dared hope for.
“No.” The word hangs heavy in the room, and he seems surprised that she would say it to him. I guess he’s not accustomed to hearing it, not even from the three of us.
“You don’t understand?”
She shoves him back, catching him off guard, and she quickly slips out from between him and the desk, using the solid wood as a barrier between her and the beast on the other side, clearly forgetting there’s more than one monster in the room. “No, I will not go on birth control.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her perfect tits up and making my hard cock ache even more. Jesus, if I don’t get inside her soon, my dick might actually fall off.
“Excuse me?” Crew growls.
“You heard me. My mother died of cervical cancer, you asshole. A cancer that is linked to birth control. So no, I will not pump my body full of fake hormones just because you say so.” Her words are tense, and emotion bleeds through the cracks she tries to hide from us. I wonder how long it will take her to realize we see through her.
Before Crew can formulate a response, she turns to me, her eyes dropping to where my hand is still rubbing my bulge through my jeans. She takes a deep, steadying breath before storming past me. “I’m ready to go back to my room. I need a nap.”
But she doesn’t wait for me to guide her, she’s out the door before I can even consider following her.
“Smooth, Crew. Real smooth.” I shake my head and trail after her.
She’s waiting by the elevator doors, her arms crossed and angry tears falling against her cheeks. Fuck. I never allowed myself to consider how fucking beautiful she would be when she cries, but her tears only make my raging hard-on press harder into the constrictive denim.
She doesn’t say a word as she jabs the button, and we step inside, swiping away the tears before they can fall to the ground.
It takes all my strength not to advance on her. Not to lift her into my arms and fuck her against the wall savagely. But the fact that she’s a virgin stops me. It doesn’t matter which one of us slides into her pretty little cunt first, it’s going to hurt. We’re all well-endowed, and more than that, none of us have a gentle bone in our bodies. But I’m the worst option. I’ll need her to bleed for me to be able to find my release, and that’s not something I can force on her for her first time.
Camilla’s out of the elevator before I can take my first step, and she runs straight into a hard wall of muscle.
Her eyes move up until she’s staring straight into Kaos’s disapproving gaze, and she recoils immediately. “Fan-fucking-tastic. You want to yell at me? Maybe kick me while I’m down? Seems I’m doing the round of assholes today.”
Kaos doesn’t get a chance to respond before she storms past him and down the hallway. I only know she’s reached the bedroom when she slams the door behind her, my lips tipping up in amusement.
“What’s got her having a temper tantrum?” he grunts.
He scoffs. “Sounds about right.” He glances over his shoulder the way she went, and there’s a scowl on his face when he turns back to me. “What the hell is she doing off this floor? I thought we agreed she was to remain on this level where there’s nothing incriminating.”
I roll my eyes. “I was with her the whole time she was up there.”
He huffs, but I don’t miss him glancing over his shoulder again. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he’s worried about the little lamb. “What did he do?”