Page 39 of In the Shadows

Istare down at the cast around my wrist as I nervously fiddle with the fraying edges.

Rogers, the doctor who has seen to my injuries, is reviewing the x-ray he just did on my wrist. The clock is ticking, and although I’m gaining my strength back, I’m no closer to finding a way out of this place than I was the day I was brought in.

I’m not sure I trust their intentions, even if Bishop and Kovu have done nothing but take care of me since I got here.

The latter is sitting restlessly across the room, as if he can’t stand to be a few feet apart. I shake the thought off and put it down to him being just as stir crazy as I am being cooped up all the time. He’s been out a handful of times this week, but he’s rarely gone for long, and he always comes straight back to my room, even when he’s covered in someone else’s blood. It gives me a fucking heart attack every time, and I refuse to admit that it’s because every time it happens, I worry it’s his blood.

“Your wrist is looking good. It’s healing better than I thought it would, considering the type of break.”

“That’s good news,” I say quietly as I watch Kovu shove himself out of his seat and start pacing the length of the room. Does he feel it too? The impending doom of the clock ticking down. He and I both know Kaos and Crew have no interest in having me here.

I pause, my own thoughts causing my breath to stutter in my lungs. Why the hell would I want to stay here? Confined to a single room and only permitted to leave when I have supervision like I’m a child needing to be escorted to the principal’s office? Fuck no.

“Kovu,” Rogers snaps. “What have I told you about pacing?”

He turns his stare on the middle-aged, man and the fire in his gaze has my breath stuttering for a whole other reason. He looks fucking lethal. Like the killer he tries to hide from me.

“If you’re going to pace like a goddamn caged animal, you can wait outside. You know it puts me on edge.”

Kovu looks about ready to argue when Rogers turns back to his computer screen and types something. I have no idea why. It’s not like any of this is above board and needs to go into a file. My dad had a doctor just like Rogers on his payroll, but he never bothered to take notes on anything.

“I want to do another blood test, make sure everything is okay after the attack.”

“Is it likely something would have changed?” I ask.

“Not at all. But big boss man came down here this morning demanding shit, so I thought I better be extra thorough if I don’t want a bullet between the eyes.” It’s delivered like a joke, but we both know it’s not one.

He knows his place in the hierarchy, and he’s not going to do anything to jeopardize it.

I hold my breath when he comes closer with the needle, my lungs suddenly burning. I fucking hate needles. It’s stupid, especially when I’m in a position like the one I’ve found myself in. I’m locked in a house, if you can even call it that, full of the most deranged criminals in the city with no hope of escape. I think a needle is the least of my troubles right now.

A warm hand envelops mine, and I look up to see Kovu staring down at me, his eyes telling me he’s here without him having to say a single word.

The prick of the needle makes me hiss out a breath, but he rests his free hand on my cheek, forcing me to hold his gaze as Rogers draws the blood he needs for whatever tests Crew has demanded.

“All done,” Rogers grumbles, but Kovu doesn’t release me. He holds on to me for long moments, and I relish in his warmth. I shouldn’t feel safe with him. Not when I know his reputation. And yet, anytime he’s near, I know that nothing can touch me because he won’t let it. “You two can knock that shit off.”

Kovu reluctantly releases my face, but his hand holds on to mine, and I draw strength from his calloused grip.

“Now, one thing Crew did want me to speak to you about is birth control.”

I choke on air as the words leave his mouth, and Kovu lets out an amused chuckle as he smacks my back like it’s going to help me drag in a breath. “Excuse me?”

“Birth control?” Rogers huffs an annoyed laugh. “You know, the pill, implant, IUD, shot. You have any of it. Have you ever?”

I’m too stunned to tell him he has no business asking me such a question. No one here does. But I’m too fucking shocked that Crew demanded he speak to me about this that I can’t do anything more than shake my head, heat spreading across my cheeks.

This is mortifying.

“Right. Well, you’ll need something. I myself think either the shot or the implant is a good option for you. IUD is good too and lasts longer. It’s just more painful to have put in.”

I shake my head again, struggling to drag in a breath, let alone find words to respond to the insanity spewing from his mouth.

“The pill is too unpredictable and, in my opinion, is an outdated form of birth control. Too easy to make mistakes and is too easily rendered useless.”

I try to speak, but words don’t form on my lips. I don’t know if I’ve ever been rendered speechless like this before.

Kovu’s chuckle from beside me has me shooting daggers in his direction, which only seems to amuse him further. What the hell are these guys playing at?