Page 84 of Edge of Disaster

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Memorial Day weekend rolled around, and the Middletons plus one, namely me, planned to hang out on Pearce’s yacht on Saturday. Those plans were nixed though, because we woke up to pouring-down rain. An executive decision was made to move the party over to Susan and Henry’s.

Justin went to pick up Terri, which wasn’t the easiest, because she was still wearing her cast and wasn’t allowed to put any weight on her leg. Of course, he was most attentive to that and made sure she followed her doctor’s orders. Things weren’t great with them, but I didn’t ask, and she didn’t tell.

Henry and Pearce lugged out the giant Green Egg and started cooking ribs and wings. They both loved to cook on that thing and they always turned out award-winning food.

Susan, Ava, Avery, and I sat inside and discussed wedding plans. The following Saturday we were all, along with Lisbeth and Terri, going on a wedding dress hunt. I had several appointments at the top bridal shops in Charleston, making it an all-day affair. I wasn’t sure if I was excited or nervous.

“Ava, can you tell me which wedding dress designer is the best?”

“Oh my God. That’s impossible to say. But don’t worry. You’ll have dozens of dresses to choose from.”

Avery leaned forward and asked, “Darlin’, have you and Pearce thought about the reception?”

“You know, we really haven’t talked much about it. I want to leave it up to him. I don’t have many requirements. You all know my family won’t be involved, so I think it’s more important for Pearce and you all to make those decisions.”

“Why, Lexi, we’ll hear none of that! This is your day, and you get to decide!” Avery exclaimed.

“I think you misunderstand. I want to be involved, but as far as the venue and the number of guests, I’ll leave that up to Pearce. I’ll put in my two cents when it comes to music and decorations and that type of thing.”

“What about the church?” Susan wanted to know.

“I was raised in the Episcopal Church, and that’s where I’d like the ceremony to take place, if that suits you all.”

The three women looked at each other and in unison all said, “St. Phillip’s.”

“You don’t mean that beautiful old church on Church Street, do you?”

“The one and only,” Avery announced.

“Is that even possible?” I asked, doubt lacing my every word.

“Lexi, the Middletons have been members there for generations. You and Pearce will be married there, if that’s what you want, dear,” Avery announced.

I was in near shock. People all over the world would die to get married in that church. Okay, that was a huge exaggeration, but still.

“Oh my gosh yes! I’d love to get married there!” They all let out a big whoop!

Pearce happened to be walking by at that time, stuck his head in the room, and asked what in the world was going on. Avery informed him we were planning his wedding and he laughed, shook his head, and walked away.

I got to my feet and stopped him before he could get too far. “You don’t mind?”

He turned around, saying, “Honey, I’d marry you at the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas if that’s what you wanted.” Then he gave me a loud lip-smacking kiss, which had me in giggles.

“Before you run off, what are your thoughts about the reception?” I asked.



“Huge. I want to show you off to everyone I know. And you’ll have a ton of work colleagues you’ll have to invite, plus all the family connections. Sorry, sweetheart.” He looked at me sheepishly.

“Oh, it’s fine. But where should we have it?”

“I think I’m passing this one off to Mom and Grams.” He backed away and smiled, making a hasty retreat.

Avery, who’d overheard us, said, “Always the pleaser when it comes to you.”