Page 20 of Edge of Disaster

The police didn’t find any leads. The rape analysis came back negative as did the fingernail scrapings. The only things they found were tire marks where I was dumped, and thus far, they hadn’t come up with anything else. It was a living nightmare.

I’d lost my job at Camellia’s, though I didn’t blame the owner. He couldn’t afford to hold my job since it would be quite a while before I would be able to go back to work. He promised that as soon as he had an opening again, it would be mine. My checkbook was almost down to nothing. I was flat broke and scared of my own shadow. My hospital bills were crazy. I couldn’t bear to look at them. Every time I did, my gut churned.

Thank God for Lisbeth. I still was able to do things for her and she paid me weekly, as well as covered my rent. She’d asked me to pick a few things up from her decorator and I was dropping them off at her house one afternoon when I accidentally overheard a conversation she was having.

“Well, you need to do something about it. I think they’d make a marvelous couple.”

“Lisbeth, what would you like for me to do? Ground the boy? Pearce is an adult and will do as he wants. Besides, as I understand it, it’s not for lack of trying on his end.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What it means is that he’s called Alexia time and time again and she still refuses him. I can’t understand it either. Why, he’s the most eligible bachelor in all of South Carolina!”

“Perhaps it’s time for us to play matchmaker.”

“Oh dear, what do you have up your sleeve?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll figure something out.”

Not wanting to be discovered, I quietly hurried away. Then I stomped back in and slammed the door letting them know I was there. I called out to Lisbeth from the hallway, told her I’d left her things but had to leave in a hurry. I dashed out before they could trap me into something I didn’t want to have any part of.

Matchmaking? I needed that like a hole in my noggin. Then what would I do? How would I explain to Lisbeth when Pearce sprouted wings and flew away, why he didn’t want to hang around the slut who was responsible for the death of her last boyfriend, and then went around and slept with every guy who was willing? Oh yeah, I’m the perfect date for the most eligible bachelor in South Carolina.

My attack was still creating issues for me. My social life became nonexistent, except for seeing Terri. Nighttime was the worst. I was the antithesis of a vampire. When dusk hit, I scurried for home. I would start to freak if I was somewhere and didn’t think I’d get there until after dark. If I wasn’t constantly surrounded by light, I would resemble a bobblehead doll, my head bouncing around in paranoia, looking for my would-be attacker. Those giant flashlights became my constant companions, as I always carried one or two in my car, just in case I didn’t get home until after dark.

I started job hunting but was having trouble finding anything. None of the restaurants had any openings and I had applications in everywhere. I worried about getting hired somewhere that would require me to work late at night because I didn’t know what I’d do about getting home after dark. My stomach would gurgle and send me hightailing it for the bathroom just thinking about it.

One day, I finally got a call from a software company, and they wanted me to work full-time in their marketing department. I was torn because that would mean I couldn’t work for Lisbeth anymore. The pay was decent, but I’d also have to give up my free rent.

She needed to know what was going on. The next day I laid everything out. She was excited about the possibilities for me. Lisbeth always wanted me to do more as far as a career was concerned and knew this was the perfect opportunity for me.

“But what about our arrangement?”

“You can do some things for me on the weekend, and I’ll only charge you one-third rent. How about that?”

“Are you sure?”

“What? Do you think I’m so old I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore. Of course, I’m sure.”

“Well, in that case, it’s a deal. And if you need anything during the week, just call my cell phone and I can do it on my way home from work.”

Nodding, she said, “Alexia, I’ve been meaning to ask you. How are you doing these days?”

I wanna run and hide in my house and never come out because when I do, I feel like I’m getting ready to plunge off the edge of a cliff. “Oh, I’m fine,” I answered, conjuring up a plastic smile.

“The truth, dear. I’m an old woman. I see things. I want to know.”

I looked at her and I felt myself unravel. The only person I’d let in was Terri. I didn’t want to dump this on Lisbeth because she was elderly and didn’t need this kind of crap in her life.

I smiled instead and said, “I’m better, really I am.”

“Honey, you are the worst liar I’ve ever known. I know you’re miserable. I can see the pain of it in your eyes, not to mention you resemble a scarecrow. Why won’t you talk to me?”

“I don’t want to burden you with my silly issues.”

“Dear, your issues are anything but silly. You nearly died. I think it would help you if you talked about it. And I hope you know how much I care about you.”

We were sitting in her favorite room, and I sat next to her on the sofa. My hands were clasped on my lap, and I stared at them because I didn’t want her to see the tears in my eyes. Her arm reached over, and she placed her hand on top of mine.