Page 14 of Edge of Disaster

“None of your damn business, that’s what. Now why don’t you get the show on the road and quit clucking away like you’re at a hen party.”

“I think you just need to take over this procedure because nothing I’m doing is satisfying your ass.”

“Gentlemen, please. Can we be adults about this?” Jessica, the circulating nurse, suggested.

I blew out my breath and realized she was right.

“You’re right, Jessica. Jeremy, I’m sorry. I’m just a little shocked this has even happened.”

“No worries. Just let me finish and I’ll have your friend done in no time.” Jeremy was a superb surgeon, and he did a fine repair on her spleen, a nice exploratory, and closure of her stab wounds.

When he was finished, I walked out with him, and his comment made me stop and think for a moment. He said, “I think your little wounded bird will be just fine, Pearce, with a good dose of TLC.”

That’s exactly what Alexia was ... a little wounded bird. She acted like she was ready to take flight at a moment’s notice but couldn’t because one of her wings was broken. I wondered how she’d broken that poor wing.


When my eyes fluttered open in the recovery room, I couldn’t remember much of anything. Minutes later, Pearce was there.

“How’re you feeling?”

“I dunno,” I slurred. “Where am I?”

“You’re in the recovery room and you just came out of surgery. You did great, honey. We’re going to keep you here a bit longer and then send you up to a room. Hey, do you remember anything that happened?”

“No. Yeah.” I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Voices drifted over me and Pearce woke me up again.

“Hey, Alexia, it’s time to wake up now. You have to stay awake for a while before we send you up to your room. Standard procedure.”

“But I’m sleepy.”

“I know. It’s the anesthesia. It’ll wear off in a bit. How’s your pain?”


“Good. Talk to me, sweetheart.”

“You called me sweetheart,” I murmured.

“I did, didn’t I?”


“Is there anything you want to tell me?”

“Yeah. You’re very pretty. No. Not pretty. You’re hot. Yeah, hot. Super-duper hot.”

I’m pretty sure he chuckled.

“Anything else? Like about what happened?”

“No! I don’t want to talk about that. I was terrified. Thought I was gonna die.”

“Do you know who did this to you?”

“No! Why would someone do that to me? I’m not a mean person. I know I’m fucked up and everything. Ever since Peter died. I’m such a mess. But I’m not mean to anyone. Why would they be that horrible to me? I’m scared, Pearce.” The tears hit then.