She gave me one of those looks that she probably shouldn’t have, considering where we were, because the temperature in the room increased by twenty degrees. I think I even broke out into a sweat. I locked the door just in case. In the end, we knocked a few chairs over as the conference table was put to good use. Unfortunately, I forgot the room had an audio recorder in it. Lucky for us, Pete turned the damn thing off. Good thing he turned the video off too.
We left the next day and flew to Bozeman. We stayed at the cabin for exactly two weeks before we returned to Vail. Avery had been right all along. I thought I’d wanted to sell the place, because of the last time I was there. But she said when we went back, she was going to change my mind, and she certainly did. She did some things to me that I never thought I’d ever let her do ... much less enjoy. I had been so wrong. When I made that promise to her that I’d try, I didn’t know that I would let myself go like I did.
We were lying in front of the fireplace when she made her move. It was quite sudden, and unexpected. When her mouth wrapped around me, I initially froze. But then her hand reached for mine and held on tightly, passing her strength and love to me in that one small gesture. It made me forget everything except her and our love for each other. I was soon lost in the heat of her mouth, lips, and tongue as it swirled, sucked, and worked its magic on me. She slid my entire length into her mouth as she held me at the base, and moved up and down, in and out. It wasn’t long before I could feel my climax nearing.
“Avery, I’m going to come.”
She purred in response.
“Tell me that’s okay. Please, tell me, baby.”
She stopped, lifted her head, smiled, and said, “It’s beyond okay. It would be awesome if you would come.”
Ah fuck!
That was all I needed to hear, and I didn’t just fall, I shot off into orbit, groaning, as I called her name. It was really something to watch how she’d done that to me, but what was even more amazing was that she enjoyed the hell out of it.
The aftermath was even more spectacular. Avery didn’t stop. She came out and did her licking thing. She began where she started, licking every last inch of me and then moved up to my abs, taking care to pay close attention to each of my tats. Skipping up to my chest, she straddled me and really got into my nipple rings, going after them like they were catnip. Finally, when she reached my mouth, I wrapped my hands in her hair and stopped her.
“You’re amazing. Have I told you that lately?”
“Not today,” she breathed.
“Then I’ve been remiss. No worries though, because I plan to show you instead.” And I did. All night long.
The last thing I would ever do was sell the cabin now. It was our special place, where we would come to get away from everything, when we needed time alone to just be together. It was where it all began for us, where we were joined, where we fell apart and where we put ourselves back together. The cabin would always be there for us, waiting with open arms.
Vail —Two Months Later
It was late March and only a few weeks remained until the ski season ended. Preston and I had just finished skiing for the day. It was the perfect spring day with bright blue skies and warm, yet great snow on the slopes. We’d decided a chilly beer was in order, so we’d headed over to Tres Chicas and were sitting out on the sunny deck, enjoying the view.
“How do you do it, honey?”
“Do what?” I asked, puzzled.
“Move the way you do up there?”
“I just do. Remember, I’ve been doing it most of my life.”
He gave me one of his sexy grins that always managed to send shivers down my spine. “I wanna ski just like you.”
“I think you can. You’re really good.”
“I think you’re just saying that.”
“I am not.”
“You are too.” He winked at me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this huge flash of neon green, but before it registered what it was, it crashed into Preston, threw him down, and had him on the ground.
Then I heard, “I’ve got him! I’ve got him for you.”
Jumping up, trying to save Preston, I landed on Neon Green’s back and started pounding on it, yelling, “Let him go! Let him go!”