Page 59 of Edge of Desire

“We were supposed to be out here for another two nights, but I’d love to take you back to the cabin so we can have a night in a real bed and get in the bathtub together. What do you think?”

“You must’ve read my mind,” she answered. I felt her lips kissing my chest and her breath against my skin. God, I loved this woman.

“Avery, you know I won’t ever let you go.”



“It’s a good thing because I don’t want you to let me go.”

Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard Avery fumbling around in the tent. I sat up and switched on my headlamp to find her trying to unzip the tent opening.

"What's going on?"

"I have to pee."

"Here, let me get that for you and I'll go with you."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not," I assured her. I knew how frightened she was to be out there alone.

I unzipped the tent and told her to get her flip-flops. "Should I put some clothes on?" she wanted to know.

"No one’s around for miles, so it's not necessary."


We went outside and she grabbed my hand tightly. "It's really spooky out here, with the mist and all."

"I think it's beautiful. Mysterious looking."

"You would. You're a lot braver than me."

I chuckled at her. I picked out a good spot and turned my back to give her some privacy. Suddenly I heard her yell, "Shit hell mother fucker!"

It wasn't like her to curse like that and with such intensity. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I just peed all over my foot! What am I gonna do?"

I broke out into fits of laugher. I couldn't stop.

"Would you quit already? What the hell am I gonna do? I can't go back to bed like this?"

"It's not a big deal," I eked out between my peals of laughter.

She gave me a nasty look. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one with tinkle all over your foot."


"Yes, tinkle, damn it!"

Grabbing her arm, I pulled her into me and hugged her. Then I told her, "Look, we'll go down to the stream and you can wash your foot off. Okay?"

"But we don't have any soap. It's up in the tree."

"I have some unscented wipes in the tent you can use. It's all good, baby. We'll get you tidied up."