“Bombs? What are you talking about?”
“Without opening this package, from what we can tell, this is an electrical device that closely resembles a pipe bomb. Can you tell us why you are carrying a bomb?”
“No! Melissa wouldn’t give me a bomb.”
“How well do you know this Melissa?”
“I know her well enough to say she wouldn’t carry a bomb or give me one as a going-away gift. Yeah, she’s a sumo wrestler and all, but she’s not a terrorist. Although she did strike terror into the heart of Little Dickie Mike Dixon.”
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind.” I was so nervous I was rambling. After what I’d just told them, they really were gonna think Melissa was a terrorist.
“So, who is this Little Dickie Mike Dixon? Is he part of the terrorist cell? Does he have anything to do with this bomb?”
Oh, dear God, what in the hell has Melissa gotten me into? “No! For the love of God, forget about Little Dickie! Look, Melissa is not a terrorist and that is not a bomb. I have to catch a plane, so can I go?”
“No, you can’t go. You may be going to jail, or even worse.”
“Jail? Because of a present? What the hell kind of circus is this?”
“Miss Middleton, I caution you to take care of your words. This is not a circus. It is a federal offense to carry a bomb on an aircraft.”
“For the love of God, that isn’t a damn bomb. Give me that box!” I yelled and grabbed it, ripping it open. Good God above, out popped one of those giant vibrating wands, the kind that plug into the wall and come with all sorts of attachments, kind of like a vacuum cleaner. This thing looked like a handheld immersion blender. It was that huge. What the hell had Melissa been thinking? I could get half of Seattle off with this thing.
I glanced at the room full of people and their eyes looked like they were ready to roll out of their heads. Two of them had even drawn their guns and that damn dog was still growling and snapping.
“I wouldn’t shoot it if I were you. It might be kinda hard to explain that you shot a vibrator thinking it was a bomb. Wouldn’t look too good on your record, if you ask me.”
They all just kept staring at me.
“What? Haven’t any of you ever seen a damn vibrator before?” Honestly, I’d never seen one like this before either, but I wasn’t gonna let them know that. “Stop already with the looks. You guys use your hands, we women like our toys, okay?”
Homeland Security guy finally said, “Er, Miss Middleton, I think you can go now,” as he cleared his throat.
“Thanks. Oh, can I have my box too?” I winked as I grabbed the box. Then I asked, “Would one of you boys mind escorting me back to my belongings? I have no idea where I am.” I smiled ever so sweetly to them. That was one thing I learned from my mom. We southern women knew how to smile.
Thank God I made my flight. I was connecting in Atlanta, and if I had missed it, there was no telling how long I would’ve had to wait for the next one. By the time I got to Seattle, I was exhausted. I don’t know what it was about flying, but it took the steam right out of my engine.
I was to meet my new boss in the morning, so I checked into my hotel, ordered room service, and got ready for bed. It didn’t matter that it was only seven in the evening. I was worn out.
I called Melissa and cussed her out. I thought I gave her a heart attack she laughed so hard.
“Don’t worry, Ava, I’m gonna be your new best friend once you give that thing a run.”
“Melissa, that thing scares me to death. I’m afraid of it!”
We chatted a bit more and then I drifted off to sleep.
The alarm shocked me when it went off. I staggered into the bathroom, disoriented, and thinking I was at home. My forehead crashed into the doorframe, and it throbbed for the good part of an hour. I was sure to have a good bruise there before long.
Since I didn’t know what the office dress code would be, I erred on the side of caution and wore a black pant suit. That would help disguise some of my bulk as well. I went to the hotel restaurant and ate an omelet with coffee. I would’ve ordered grits, but they weren’t on the menu. I guess the West Coast didn’t believe in grits.
The bellman flagged a taxi for me, and I was at SoftwarePlus in no time. I’d chosen the hotel based on my new boss’ recommendation. It had worked out perfectly.
I gave my name at the desk, and they gave me a visitor’s badge and told me where to go. By the time I got there, John Bremen, my boss, was waiting for me.
“Welcome to SoftwarePlus, Avery.” He held out his hand and I shook it. Then he gave me the oddest look. “Um, Avery, are you okay?” He pointed to his forehead.