“Oh, Ava, you’re gonna love this!” she gushed.
Moving with swiftness that defied anything I’d seen, Melissa tore open her giant wheelie bag and pulled out a wrapped box.
“I see you didn’t try to carry that thing on the plane, did you?”
“Not after hearing what happened to you. I wasn’t gonna take that chance. Here,” she said, handing me a rather large box.
After a deep breath, I took the plunge. What I pulled out of that box, shocked me even more than the monstrous wand had. It was another wand, but the box also held a plethora of other things too.I recognized the usual, such as the penis-shaped vibrator, but there were some strange-looking things I had no idea of what they might possibly be. “What the hell is all this stuff?”
“Well, that one’s a rabbit and you see those little ears?”
I looked closely at the thing, and sure enough, it not only had ears, but a tiny nose to go along with it. “Holy Toledo!”
“Yeah, baby. You’re gonna love those ears.”
“What about the nose?”
“The nose?”
“It has a nose too.” I pointed to the tiny sniffer.
“Let me see that thing.”
She snatched it so fast I barely saw her hands move.
“Well, damn. Mine doesn’t have a nose. It must be defective. Hey, check out the other stuff too.”
That box scared me. I mean, what was I going to do with all those things? I could probably open a sex toy shop with all the crap that was in there.
“Melissa, what are these things?” I held up two fuchsia orbs.
“Those are vibrating balls.”
“What do I do with them? Play ping-pong?” I asked, intending it to be a joke.
“Christ, Ava. Are you really that naive? You can do lots of things with them. You can even do Kegel exercises. I’m just gonna buy you a book. No, make that a few. Bring me your computer. I’m going online to order you some right now. You need an education.”
Damned if she didn’t do it too. By the time Melissa was done with me, I would be the knower of all things where sex doohickeys were concerned. A lot of good that would do me though. On second thought, at least I might start getting a good night’s sleep. I started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” she wanted to know.
Sharing my little joke with her, we both got to laughing. Then she made this mischievous face, and her eyes began to dance.
“Uh-oh. What are you up to?”
“Do you have any Sharpies?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Just let me have one.”
I handed her a royal-blue one, which was the only one I owned. She picked up the biggest vibrator in the package, which was neon pink and shaped like a giant penis, and wrote something near the bottom. Then she handed it back to me. I looked at it and cried out, “Melissa!” Then I dissolved into fits of hysteria. On the bottom of the damn thing, she had written the word Preston.
“Now you can pretend.”
We both laughed so hard our sides ached. When we finally calmed down enough to have a conversation, she wanted to know all about the next day, so I told her. As we kept drinking, we got louder and louder. Suddenly there was a loud bang on my front door, so I went to answer. It was the neighbor, complaining of the noise we were making. I promised we’d take it down a notch. When I got back to the living room, Melissa was pouring us a round of lemon drop shooters.
Great, just what I needed.