With the subtlest of movements, I watched her stiffen her spine and flinched as her eyes came to rest on mine.
“I want to leave.”
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
She walked up the flight of stairs, and if her heart was hurting as badly as mine, I’m sure she felt like she was dying.
Crack. Did I hear it or was it simply the pain his words caused when my heart reacted to them? But it wasn’t only my heart that was cracking. My entire body and soul were splintering apart. How could he have done this to me? A lie this colossal had destroyed my life. How could he have been so selfish? Was it worth the price?
Tears blinded me as I sprinted for my room, the room that wasn’t mine anymore. I fell to the bed and tried to collect my thoughts. All my belongings were in Preston’s room. We’d moved them in there, after we returned from our camping trip.
With resolve, I stood and stomped across the hall. Opening the only two drawers I had any items in, I piled everything in my arms. Then I opened the closet and grabbed the rest, hauled them back to the other room, and dumped them on the bed. I scanned the room, looking for something to stuff my things in. Finding nothing, I decided I would be bold and headed back across the hall. Jerking open the closet door again, I rifled through Preston’s things until my hands landed on my polka-dotted carry-on. My next stop was the bathroom where I dumped my toiletries and other things into the darn bag and hurried back to my old room.
Now what? My job didn't exist anymore. I had wanted to prove something to myself and my family. Namely, that I could make it on my own. Nix that idea, thank you, Preston. Besides all that, how the hell was I gonna get out of here? And where would I go? The sumo-wrestler thing was beginning to look good again. Maybe I should give Melissa a call.
I heard a tap at the door and then, “Avery, may I come in?”
“Why? So you can tell me more tall tales?”
The door inched open and there he stood, in all his fucking gorgeous glory. Why did he have to look so damn good? Why couldn’t he be ugly and toothless? Or at least have giant nose warts or something? But no, he was perfect Preston with sculpted abs, which of course were shown off to perfection by that damn tight black shirt he was wearing.
“I’m not going to tell you any more lies, Avery. That was the only one I’ve ever told you. I swear.”
“Oh, that tiny little lie. The only one.”
“I didn’t say it was tiny. It was huge. I can only say I’m sorry so many times. But I am and will always be. I never intended to carry it this far.” He shook his gorgeous head and rubbed his beautiful face. “I, well, there is no excuse.”
“You’re absolutely right on that one. And you swore to me you’d be honest after that harrowing trip here. You lied about that too. I need to leave. But you see, I have a small problem. I’m at your fucking mercy, Preston.” My snarky side emerged in full force, but I didn’t give a damn. He deserved every bit of it and then some.
He flinched a few times when I spoke, but I was past caring anymore. I wanted to get out of here. Everywhere I looked evoked such strong memories of us doing such intimate and erotic things, it left me breathless but not in a good way. I hurt him, even wanted to as much as he’d hurt me. I was egocentric Avery now, and couldn’t have cared less.
“Where do you want to go?”
“The airport.”
“But you don’t even have a flight booked.”
“I’ll book one when I get there.”
“Avery, don’t be crazy. You can book one here and stay until it leaves.”
“No! This is the last place I want to be.” I didn’t give him the opportunity to say anything further for I was out the door and running down the steps. I swiped the back of my hand across my face, clearing the moisture from my vision. Flinging the massive front door open, I charged straight outside and threw my stuff into the back seat of the Jeep, taking a seat back there as well. There was not a chance in hell I was going to sit in the front with him. I’d sit out here all night if I had to, waiting on him.
I didn’t have to after all. He showed up a few minutes later. When he got behind the wheel, he turned and raised a brow at me. I gave no response.
“Avery, please.” His voice was tortured, and his expression pained. I refused to give in. I wanted to, believe me. I wanted to throw myself at him and drag my hands through his hair, lingering at those waves along his nape. I wanted to rest my palms against his heart and feel it beating beneath my hand. I wanted to taste his skin on my tongue, feel his breath against my lips, but I did none of those. And it nearly killed me. My heart and soul were dying a slow and painful death. But I had to let him go. He had destroyed my trust in him, had obliterated it so completely by living that stupid lie. How could I possibly trust my heart with someone who could live a lie so easily as he had?
He turned back around and started the car. As he did so, wrenching sobs filled my body. I laid my head down on the duffle bag and cried the whole way to the airport. When we finally got close, I knew I needed a plan. He’d come inside and try to persuade me one way or another and I couldn’t let that happen. The airport was just ahead, so I made my escape plans. If I didn’t get away from him, I was afraid I’d turn into caramel and melt on the man.
He exited the interstate and followed the signs, indicating we were getting close. If we stopped at a light, I would bail. That way, he wouldn’t have time to park and follow me. For once, luck was on my side and the light turned red right as we approached it. My hand grabbed the handle and damned if it wasn’t locked. I hurried and pulled up the lock manually and tore out of the car as fast as I could. I heard him calling my name, but nothing could get me to stop at this point. Picking up as much speed as my big fat bottom could muster, I huffed and puffed my way to the terminal.United was the first counter I saw, so I headed straight there and asked when and where the next flight was. The agent told me it was headed to Denver and leaving in forty-five minutes. Excellent.
“Do you have any seats left?”
“You’re in luck. It’s an open flight.”