Page 21 of Edge of Desire

Caroline knocked on my door and told me dinner was ready. I walked downstairs with her and saw that Justin was back. “Hey, I hope your day wasn’t too bad.”

“No, it was fine and got even better when I walked into this.” He pulled a chair out for his wife, while Just Miles did the same for me.

We all were wowed by his meal. He prepared the halibut on the grill with lemons and herbs. Then he served it with grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, and salad. It was scrumptious. Just Miles had killer cooking talents.

“So, Just Miles, do you do desserts too?”

He laughed. “No, I’m not very good with sweets. I’m only good on the main course.”

“Well, that’s okay, because you’ve done a fine job on the main course. Anyone can pick up a French tart or some juicy melons for dessert.”

His eyes nearly plunked onto his plate, and Justin barked out a laugh.


The two men just gave me a look and then I finally got it.

“Men. You only have a mind for one thing.”

“We know,” Justin said. “That’s why it was funny.”

It was so obvious to see how in love Justin was with Caroline. When I watched the two of them, they would sometimes be oblivious to everything but each other. I was a bit surprised because that’s how he’d felt about Terri, his fiancée who died. I never thought he’d find someone else but was glad he did.

I sat back and observed the three of them and sometimes felt like the odd man out. It was difficult to explain. It was as though they shared an inside joke, but I wasn’t a part of it. It’s not that they were mean or rude, but an undercurrent of mystery ran through them. Looks, innuendos, things such as that. It became quite uncomfortable, and I often wondered if it had been rash in agreeing to live here with them.

Strangely enough, I was happy tomorrow was Monday. It would take me away and perhaps I would make some new friends at work.

“So tomorrow for work, can I just call a cab to pick me up here or should I order an Uber?”

They all looked like deer in the headlights.

“I’d forgotten about that. I have to be at the hospital at seven, so I can’t take you,” Justin said.

“Oh, no, that’s not what I was asking at all.” I shook my head. I didn’t want them to think I was begging for rides everywhere. “I just need to get a taxi to pick me up and was wondering if I should order an Uber tonight or do the taxi thing in the morning.”

“Gee, Avery, I would take you too, but I’ve got an appointment in the morning. You can take one of the cars if you’d like.”

“No, but thanks anyway. I’m supposed to get my rental car tomorrow, so then I’d have to figure out how to get yours back here. I can just call a taxi.”

“I can take you.” Just Miles looked at me and smiled.

“Seriously, you all, I don’t want to be an imposition. I can get an Uber or whatever.”

“I’m taking you.” Just Miles’ voice was firm.

“O-okay. If you insist.”

“I do.”

“Well, since I’m supposed to get my car tomorrow, I won’t be a pain in your butts anymore.” I giggled.

“Stop saying that!” Justin said, his voice had edge to it.

“Well, I’m sorry, Justin. I barged in here after not seeing you in over a year. I didn’t intend to move in here, and now I feel like, I don’t know. You all look at each other like, well, oh never mind.” I stood and said in a quieter voice, “I think I’ll just go to my room now.”

I started walking toward the main staircase when I heard Justin’s voice behind me say, “Ava, wait. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I want you here. I do, but you keep making those little comments. You’re not imposing at all.”

“Okay, and thanks, Justin.” I didn’t want to look at him because for some odd reason I didn’t really believe him. Something was off here but I couldn’t put my finger on it. He was happy. Caroline was happy. Whatever it was, Just Miles was in on it too. The three of them shared those secretive looks which was the giveaway. I marched up the stairs to my room.