Page 43 of Twin Flame

Unless he wants me so much that he has to make that sound because he has me, even though I’m not giving him anything?—

He keeps licking me while I shake out what has to be the most monumental orgasm in history onto his tongue.

It lasts forever.

It lasts for no time at all.

It leaves me trembling and slightly confused, like I’ve just woken up in a strange place and don’t remember getting here. Also, it doesn’t matter where we are. We could be on Park Avenue, for all I care.

My vision comes back in stages while Apollo holds me up and kisses the inside of my thigh with wet lips. The sound of the breeze returns.

Apollo turns his head and kisses my clit, darting his tongue out to taste me again. My whole body lights like he’s taken his glow, with all its heat and energy and approval, and centered it between my thighs. Yes. I’ll have more of that. Of course. Yes. Please.

I get one long, lingering swipe over the length of me—oh, God, he’s planning to take his time—when I hear it.

A howl, rising in the distance.

And a second one.

A third.


I become newly aware that I’m half-naked, my boots strewn somewhere in this clearing. My bow is on the ground. I’m down to a single sock.

“Apollo.” I tug gently at his hair, and he pulls back with a disappointed confusion that’s far more adorable than it should be in the moonlight. Apollo looks up with me, his face shiny and hunger visible in his eyes. “We have to go.”



I don’t care about the wolves.

I know I should care about the wolves, but all I want to do is fuck Artemis up against a tree in the woods. In our private forest, we don’t have to worry about party guests. We don’t have to worry about anyone. What we do is just part of our game, and no one can tell us how to feel about each other or when to stop.

And clearly, if Artemis was willing to shoot an arrow at me and leave a cut on my skin that stings every time I move, then she’s willing to go a lot further.

I want to stay in the dark with her.

But there are wolves howling.


I get her clothes back in place first, then gather our bows and quivers and sling all the straps over me.

Then I take her hand.

“My car’s closer,” she says.

We walk quickly along familiar trails. I don’t want to go so fast that we drown out the wolves and get taken by surprise. I can tell Artemis is steadying her breathing on purpose.

We’ve never heard wolves here before. I’ve never heard wolves. If Artemis has, she’s never mentioned it to me, and I can’t imagine her hearing a sound like that and keeping it to herself.

Can it seriously be wolves?

I suppose it could be some other howling animal. Coyotes, maybe. But I thought coyotes were supposed to be solitary, and there’s definitely more than one of whatever’s howling behind us.

Wolves. They are wolves.