Page 140 of Death Wish

“I used to be on the job, Detective. Now take a hike before I have security escort you out.”

Both men scowled at him. After a stare down they lost, the detectives left the hospital room.

Jesse resumed his place in the chair by Simone’s bed. “Should I have the nurse bring you anything?”

She shook her head. “I’m tired and nauseated.”

“You’ve been through a lot, baby. Your body needs rest to heal.”

“So does yours.” Simone eased over to the edge of the bed and patted the space beside her. “Come on. I’ll sleep better with you beside me.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Jesse.” Why was he being so stubborn? Jesse was swaying where he stood. “Lay down. You won’t rest well in a chair.”

“I need to keep watch,” he insisted.

Stubborn, wonderful man. “You sleep light. You’ll hear if anyone comes into the room. Besides, Sawyer is on duty in the hall. Come on.” She patted the mattress again.

Finally, Jesse gave in, made his way to the empty side of the hospital bed, and stretched out beside her. “If you’re uncomfortable tell me and I’ll go back to the chair.”

“Hush,” she murmured, snuggled against his side and dropped into sleep.

Some time later, Simone woke to the knowledge that someone else was in the room with her and Jesse. She tensed.

“It’s okay,” Jesse murmured. “Zane’s on watch.”

Her eyes flew open, and she looked to the foot of the bed where her boss sat in his wheelchair with a computer in his lap.

Zane saluted and said, “Sleep. I’ve got your back.”

Taking her boss and friend at his word, Simone dropped back into a dreamless sleep beside the man she loved, secure knowing that he was protected, too. No one would slip past Zane Murphy to hurt either of them.

The next time she woke, Jesse and the hospitalist were speaking in low tones with Zane listening to everything being said.


He returned to the bed and bent to kiss her gently. “How do you feel?” he murmured.

“Better than I did when we arrived.”

His eyebrow rose.

She rolled her eyes. “I hurt all over. Satisfied?”

He chuckled. “With the truth, yes. I hate that you’re in pain.”

“Do you need me to prescribe pain medicine before you leave?” the doctor asked. “With the amount of bruising you sustained, it’s justified.”

Simone shook her head. “I’d rather take over-the-counter medicine. The bruises will heal in a few days.”

“While that’s true, your gunshot wound is another matter. We had to do some additional repair work as well as replace the original stitches. You’ll hurt for more than a day or two.”

She glanced at Jesse who gave her a slight nod. Excellent. He could take care of the pain meds if she needed them. Hopefully, she wouldn’t. “No, thanks. I’ll be fine.”

The doctor frowned and shook his head. “I’ll have a prescription for pain medicine included with your discharge papers in case you change your mind.”

“Appreciate it, Doc,” Jesse said.