“So, Sawyer, is Goose ready for night watch?” Simone teased.
“Almost. Might need another night or two but this little guy has great instincts. He has a nose for trouble.”
“Good to know. Thanks for watching him.”
“No problem. He’s a wonderful dog.” Sawyer set Goose on the floor. “On that note, I’m going to take a nap. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
Simone stared after him, then turned to Jesse. “Shouldn’t he sleep longer?”
“Not if he wants to spare himself an extra mile running at top speed. We weren’t kidding about Brody. He won’t put up with tardiness.”
“How many miles do you run on average?”
“Between five and ten miles, depends on how quickly we’re being deployed. Because we go back on rotation next week, the team will probably run five miles, six if you’re late, more if you badmouth the leader or give him attitude about any of the evil exercises he dreams up.”
“Sounds like fun,” Simone said dryly. “I’m glad I’m not training for a mission with you.”
Never again if Jesse had his way. “You can run with me if you want the exercise.”
“Ha! If I’m running, something is chasing me.”
He laughed. “Got it. No running for you. Is walking more your speed?”
“I love a good walk.” She eyed him over her coffee mug. “Not, however, before the worms are up.”
Goose sat at Simone’s feet and stared up at her.
“Uh oh. Someone needs to go outside.”
Goose barked once as though in agreement.
Jesse picked up his leash and clipped it to the dog’s collar. “We’ll be back in a minute.” He disarmed the alarm, unlocked the door, and walked outside with Goose.
The teacup poodle hurried to the grass, did his business, then investigated all the grass blades in the yard. He tugged the leash until Jesse obliged him by walking closer to the back fence. A cool breeze blew the leaves on the trees and bushes, the branches swaying and causing shadows to dance on the fence.
Goose growled and barked.
Behind Jesse, a twig snapped.
He pivoted and saw Trevor White with a Glock pointed at him.
“You shouldn’t have interfered,” White said, and pulled the trigger.
SIMONE DROPPED TWO slices of bread into the toaster and paused, frowning. Why was Goose barking like crazy?
Then she heard a gunshot.
She dropped her coffee mug on the counter and ran. Simone threw open the back door and raced outside to find Jesse sprawled on the ground with Goose barking continuously nearby as though guarding him.
When she recognized Trevor White who was holding a gun pointed at Jesse, ice water flowed through Simone’s veins. “Jesse!”
She ran to his side and would have fallen to her knees beside him except Trevor wrapped his arm around her throat and squeezed. “No!” she wheezed out.
“You’re coming with me or your boyfriend dies right now. If he’s not already dead.” Trevor dragged her away from Jesse.
“Let me go.” Simone clawed at Trevor’s arm. She had to help Jesse.