Boudreax marched her along the hall to another doorway. After a card swipe, the door opened to reveal an underground garage with several SUVs parked in a row.
The security chief unlocked the first vehicle and shoved Simone into the backseat. A moment later, Jesse joined her.
Boudreax and Sophie climbed into the front with Boudreax behind the wheel. After pressing a button on the vehicle’s dashboard, a large door opened in front of them.
Simone’s eyes widened at the large black opening. A tunnel. Someone had planned for every eventuality. “Why does Dragon Alley have an escape tunnel?”
Boudreax drove into the tunnel. “This area is rife with cartels and their soldiers. We had to make contingency plans in case they turned on us.”
Each section lit as they approached, then the lights went out as they passed. They drove for about half of a mile before they emerged onto a dirt road outside the compound.
He navigated over rough terrain until he reached a road a good distance away from the compound. Boudreax sped away from the area, navigating around the outskirts of Sayulita. When he reached the countryside, he floored the accelerator.
Did anyone from Fortress realize they weren’t in the compound? If so, would they be able to track them?
She blinked. Of course. Their watches had GPS chips in them. Hopefully, someone at Fortress was tracking their movements.
A spot in Simone’s back tingled and turned warm. She looked at Jesse. “Zane activated my tracker,” she mouthed.
He nodded. “Mine, too.”
Excellent. That meant Fortress was aware of their location. Now if one operative reached them before Boudreax shot them, they were in business. If not, Simone hated to think she’d lose out on getting to know the man who had her heart.
She rested her head against Jesse’s shoulder. Why had it taken her a month to realize Jesse was every dream she’d had for a boyfriend and potential mate? Simone wanted time to know Jesse better, to make him feel as special as he’d made her feel.
Resolve stiffened her spine. She wouldn’t allow Boudreax and Sophie Westlake to take Jesse from her. Simone didn’t know how to stop them, but she’d work something out. Jesse Phelps was too special to let him die. She had a substantial reason to live besides being furious at the two jerks in the front of the SUV.
“This will be close,” Jesse whispered in her ear. “Be ready.”
She kissed his jaw.
“Aww. Aren’t you sweet?” Sophie looked at them, amusement in her gaze. “Too bad you don’t have more time together.”
“You could fix that for me.” Simone glared at her. “After all I did to finish the program, and this is the thanks I get?”
“Sorry, Simone. My safety is more important than yours. Programmers are thick on the trees. You can be replaced.”
Not news to her. She’d already discovered that truth long ago. However, Simone was well aware her skill set was unique and would be harder to replace than Sophie realized. Poor comfort after she was dead and gone.
No, she reminded herself. She wasn’t giving up. If she did, Jesse would die, and that was unacceptable. “Where are you taking us?”
“To a clearing in the jungle. Very peaceful,” Sophie added. “It’s beautiful and quiet, so no one will disturb us. A great spot for you to disappear.”
“Don’t expect me to be grateful.”
The other woman frowned. “I could have let Bastien do away with you in the subbasement at Dragon Alley. You should be thankful I didn’t.”
Simone stared at her. Seriously? She might be grateful to have a few more minutes with Jesse, but she wouldn’t be telling Sophie as much.
“Keep watch behind us,” Boudreax muttered. “I don’t think we have a tail but I’m not positive.”
Jesse’s arm muscles flexed.
Although Simone kept her face toward Sophie, she watched Jesse from the corner of her eye. What was he doing?
She and Jesse remained silent throughout the rest of the drive. As the miles passed, the countryside morphed into untamed land, gradually changing until the SUV stopped at the edge of a dense jungle.
“End of the line,” Boudreax said. “We walk from here.”