The security chief brightened as his gaze slid to Simone. “Oh, yeah,” he crooned. “I know exactly what to do. I’ll make Porterfield watch.”
Eww and barf. Simone watched as Boudreax pulled a knife and cut the zip ties from Jesse’s wrists. “Watch yourself, Porterfield. I won’t hesitate to take you out.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Boudreax walked toward the door. Grant set the food and drinks on a nearby table. The two security men left the room followed by Daley who again muttered a threat before he exited the room, locking the door behind him.
Simone circled behind Jesse to be sure Boudreax had severed the plastic ties and was pleased to see the tie on the ground. “You’re free.”
He slowly moved his arms to his sides, growling. Sweat popped out on his forehead as his breath gusted in and out.
“What can I do to help?” Simone asked. She hated to see him suffer like this.
“Eat while the blood flow in my arms and hands returns to normal. I’ll be fine, baby. Promise.”
He was right, she realized. If she didn’t wolf down her lunch and get back on task, Daley would make a reappearance. That, she didn’t want. The longer she kept Daley and company away from Jesse, the better.
She crossed to the table and opened one container. Simone rolled her eyes. Grant was such a guy. He’d stacked pizza slices on top of a cheeseburger. He’d also dumped French fries in one section and chocolate cake in another. At least he remembered to add the eating utensils so she wouldn’t have to eat chocolate cake with her fingers.
A few minutes later, Jesse grabbed the other box and sat beside her. “How are you holding up?”
“I want this to be over. I want to go home, Jesse.” She nudged him. “We have some dating to do before I say yes to your proposal.”
His head whipped toward her. “But you’re thinking of saying yes.”
“I am.”
“Good, because I will ask before long.” His intense gaze locked on hers, a silent message in his eyes.
What was that about? “You’ll have to work for it.”
“I’ll do anything for you.”
“So noted.” She leaned over and kissed him before returning to her lunch. Minutes later, Simone tossed her empty food container in the trash, then took her coffee to the workstation. Spotting a door to the right of the console, she opened it. A bathroom. Excellent.
After using the facilities, she returned to work, sweeping through the remaining booby traps laid by Beckett. As she worked, Simone considered and discarded several options for laying her own booby traps that wouldn’t trigger until Daley tried to open the program without her help. If the traps sprung too soon, she and Jesse would be caught in the crossfire.
Jesse polished off his lunch and took up a position on Simone’s left with his back to the bank of screens.
“Eyes on the door?”
“That’s where the enemy will be.”
Silence remained between them until Daley returned three hours later to check on her progress.
“Out,” she snapped. “I’m busy.”
“Getting there. Leave me alone, Daley.”
“Don’t push me. You won’t like the consequences.”
She lifted her hands from the keyboard and rested them in her lap as she stared at him. If he wanted to play rough, she would push back harder. “One sequence of keystrokes will wipe out this program. Don’t tempt me.”
He cursed viciously and took a step toward her.
Jesse was on his feet in an instant, standing between her and the Special Projects boss. “No.”