Page 80 of Death Wish

“We dropped them off at a hotel on the edge of town,” Jesse said. “Where they went from there, we don’t know.”

“What hotel?” Boudreax demanded.

Jesse stared at him.

The security chief shifted the gun from Jesse’s head to aim it at Simone. “Answer the question, Porterfield.”

He snorted. “You won’t hurt my woman. You can’t afford to lose a programmer with her skill.”

“Back off, Bastien,” Griffin snapped. “I don’t want to frighten my prize employee unless it’s necessary.” His gaze shifted to Simone. “I’m sure it won’t be necessary, will it, my dear?”

“But, sir…,” Boudreax protested.

“Later. What do we care if Allison and Beckett are in the wind?”

“They know too much.”

“By now they’re too afraid to talk. Don’t worry. We’ll find and eliminate them.”

“Too late if they talk before we get to them.”

“I said I’ll handle it. Simone, Jesse, come with me.” He led the way from the office.

“Where are you taking us?” Simone asked. “People on the floor will notice if we don’t show up for work today.” Joy would notice, especially since she’d promised to give Simone details about her date with Mateo.

“Don’t worry. I already have an explanation for your absence. No one will dare question me about it.”

Inside the elevator, Boudreax used his key card to access a subbasement floor that no one could enter except with special authorization. She supposed Boudreax was one of those allowed onto the floor.

A minute later, she and Jesse were forced out of the elevator and herded toward the right. Concrete floors and no windows made the place resemble a bomb shelter or a bunker. She shivered from the damp, chilled air permeating the place as they trekked toward the end of the hallway and yet another door with access only by authorized key card.

Once through that doorway, they were led along another corridor. Each steel door was closed. This felt like a prison, and Simone supposed that’s what it would be until she finished the program or they escaped.

If they escaped.


JESSE STAYED CLOSE to Simone, furious at this turn of events. Although he knew the people in power who commissioned the program would be desperate for to finish it on time, he never expected to be taken hostage to force Simone to work for them.

Worse, unless he and Simone gave an Oscar-worthy performance and convinced Boudreax and Daley they were one hundred percent on board with the program and motivated by the payday associated with it, Daley was likely to instruct Boudreax to get rid of them and dump their bodies where they would never be found.

Grant stopped in front a steel door and used his key card and an access code to unlock the door.

Boudreax and company shoved Jesse and Simone into a cold, windowless room filled with computers and chairs. One couch was pushed against the wall along with a mini fridge. Although the room was carpeted, the floor underneath was concrete.

He scanned the room. No exit other than the door they came through. Several things to use as weapons after Boudreax searched him. If he didn’t do a search, the security chief was more of a fool than Jesse thought.

Daley grabbed Simone’s arm and looked at the security chief. “Search Porterfield. He’s a military cop. He’ll be armed. No tricks, Porterfield, or your woman will pay the price.”

Jesse remained still and silent as Boudreax searched him and removed several knives and two weapons before shoving Jesse into the closest chair.

“Hands behind your back.”

Gaze locked on Daley, Jesse complied. Boudreax cinched his wrists together and secured them with a zip tie. “Is this really necessary?”

“Until beautiful Simone finishes her work, it is.” Daley propelled Simone to a chair in front of a bank of computers. “This is your new workstation. You won’t leave this room until the program is complete.”

“What program?” Simone snapped. “All I’ve heard from you is how important this program is but I know nothing about it.”