They arrived at the safe house a few minutes later, and Sawyer remained with her in the SUV while Jesse checked the house. When he returned, he opened Simone’s door and held out his hand to her.
The men escorted her inside the house. After checking in with Iona and Tegan, Jesse said, “Do you need anything before you get ready for bed? A drink, a snack?”
Simone shook her head, fatigue crashing down on her now. Definitely adrenaline dump. “Like you said, I just need a flat surface.”
He chuckled. “Come on, then.” Jesse walked her to the main bedroom and stepped inside with her, closing the door. “I’ll be taking the first watch tonight. After that, I’ll be in the room across the hall. If anything happens or you feel uneasy, come get me.”
“Thanks, Jesse.”
He moved closer and captured her lips with his own.
Heat and fireworks exploded inside Simone at his touch. Unable to help herself, she burrowed closer to him and reveled in the heat and sizzle of Jesse’s kiss. Boy, she could get used to this in a hurry. No doubt in Simone’s mind and heart that no other man would measure up to Jesse. How did she get to be so lucky?
Finally, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “I have to go, baby,” he murmured. “My control is in shreds.”
“Good to know I’m not alone in this. I feel like I’m burning up with a fever.”
He chuckled. “Same.” Jesse released her and opened the door. “I’ll be close.” He left without looking back.
The medic was fast becoming an addiction. As the adrenaline rush of his kiss waned, Simone’s energy level dropped. Yeah, time to go to sleep while she could. The next day’s work might begin earlier than usual.
Four hours later, she woke to the alarm blaring in her ear. Simone groaned and rolled over to turn off the blasted thing.
She sat up and swung her feet to the floor. After dragging her way through a shower and getting dressed, Simone put on her running shoes and went to the kitchen.
Sawyer handed her a mug of coffee. “You look like you didn’t sleep well.”
She frowned. “Thanks a lot. Some friend you are.”
He grinned. “Just stating the obvious.”
“Is Jesse up?”
“In the shower. He should be ready in five minutes. What’s your pleasure for breakfast?”
“Omelets.” She went to the refrigerator. “We’ve been feeding Iona and Tegan every morning, too.”
“Got it. Want to be sous chef?”
“Glad to help.”
They got to work. By the time Jesse arrived, they had finished prepping for the omelets and Sawyer was heating the skillet.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jesse said as he bent to kiss her. “What are we having?”
“Omelets. Tell Iona and Tegan breakfast will be ready in ten minutes.”
“Is the coffee ready?”
“Just made a fresh pot.”
Jesse sent a text as Sawyer plated the first omelet.
With her part of the omelet prep finished, Simone washed pieces of fruit, cut them into bite-size chunks, and mixed them in a bowl.
A knock sounded at the back door. Tegan entered the kitchen followed by Iona.
“Quiet night?” Jesse asked.