“It’s not finished yet?” Simone asked.
Beckett shook his head. “I’ve been dragging my feet, trying to think of a way out of this mess.”
“What were you doing?”
“Deliberately making mistakes, fixing part of them, then having to go back and fix the rest.” He looked unhappy. “Unfortunately, I’m out of ideas. If I don’t think of some new bug to plant in the programming fast, I’ll have to finish it in the next couple of days.”
“Why did they ask you to write the program?”
He scowled. “Daley said I’m the most qualified programmer he has and the one he trusts the most.”
“Do you know who the program will target?” Jesse asked.
“I didn’t until a few days ago. I overheard one of Daley’s phone conversations and almost lost it when I realized the program was going to be used against the US military and our contractors.” Beckett sounded bitter. “By then it was too late to back out. I tried, and you see the result right here. I don’t want Allison at risk because of me.”
“Do you want help?”
Beckett’s head whipped toward Jesse. “Are you serious?”
“Answer the question.”
“Yes. A thousand times yes. But what can you do?”
“My job is to protect you and Allison, Beckett. Saving you both will require a relocation that might be permanent.”
“Quitting our jobs?” Allison’s eyes widened. “Is that really necessary?”
“How much do you want to live?” Sawyer asked.
“We’ll do anything,” Beckett said. “I want to have a life together with Allison.”
“How much does your job matter to you?”
“Not enough to sacrifice the woman I love. I can find a job anywhere.”
“Right answer.” Sawyer looked at Jesse. “Artemis?”
“Until we arrange transport back to the states. Beckett, if Simone was in Allison’s place, I’d leave this hospital as soon as she was stable and take her to a safe house until I arranged an escape from Mexico. Are you willing to go when and where we tell you?”
“The sooner, the better. I don’t think Allison is safe here.”
Alarm bells rang in Simone’s mind. “Why do you say that?”
“I’ve seen the same orderly several times on the floor but he doesn’t appear to be doing anything. How many times do you have to wash the same stretch of floor before it’s clean and sanitized? Every time I leave the room, he’s around and appears to be watching the door, almost like he’s looking for a chance to get into the room.”
“Describe him,” Sawyer said.
“About five foot eight, medium build, dark hair and eyes, a Caucasian.”
“Scrubs with running shoes.”
“Any distinguishing features? No offense, but the guy you described could fit half the population of Sayulita.”
“He has a scar on the right side of his neck, like someone tried to slice his throat and missed.”
Sawyer left the room.