Page 69 of Death Wish

Sawyer rose and helped Simone to her feet. “This should be interesting.”

Jesse hoped this visit would net them the information they needed. Simone was right. They were running out of time, and Beckett and Allison might not survive the next attempt to kill them.


SIMONE WALKED INTO the hospital with Jesse and Sawyer. No one stopped them when they crossed the lobby and stepped onto the elevator.

On the second floor, they walked down the corridor to Allison’s room and knocked lightly on the door.

Seconds later, Beckett Francen opened the door. His eyes widened at the sight of the three of them standing in the hallway. “Hey.”

“We brought our friend Sawyer with us,” Jesse said.

“Come in. Allison, it’s Simone and Jesse from work, and their friend.” He motioned them inside the room.

Allison opened her eyes to look at the trio. She focused on Jesse. “Jesse, thank you. The doctor said you saved my life.”

He walked to her bedside and took her hand. “No thanks needed. Are you feeling better?”

“Some. The doctor said I would be better in a couple of days. Right now, I’m tired, weak, and nauseated.”

“When did he say you could return to work?”

Tears filled her eyes. “Not for three or four days. I’m afraid I’ll be fired.”

“You can’t help what happened, baby,” Beckett said. “It wasn’t your fault. I’ll tell Griffin what happened. He’ll understand.”

“You know how he is. He’s driven by deadlines, and you can’t turn in anything late without serious repercussions.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Beckett leaned down and kissed her. “Trust me, okay? I’ll make sure you don’t lose your job.”

“I didn’t realize Griffin was such a bear,” Simone said lightly. “Maybe I should have passed up the promotion to the Special Projects division.”

Allison wiped tears from her face. “Don’t let my experiences color your own. I heard Griff talking to your former boss about you. They have nothing but high praise for you and your work.”

“That’s nice to know. Listen, I heard you tell Jesse at the parking lot you don’t take drugs.”

“No, I don’t. I swear. That isn’t my thing. I don’t even drink alcohol much less take illegal drugs.”

“Same here. Since you didn’t take the drugs voluntarily, do you have any idea who could have drugged you and why?”

Allison shook her head. “It makes little sense. Who would hate me so much that they would try to kill me?”

Beckett clasped her hand in his. His expression was grim. “You know who it is.”

“Who?” Jesse asked. “I can help.”


“I’m in the security business, Beckett. Not only that, Boudreax assigned me to the Special Projects division as security today. I need to know what’s going on, and I think you can give me information to help me protect you, Allison, and Simone.”

The other man’s eyes narrowed. “You were assigned to our division? Like as a guard to keep the prisoners in?”

“More like a bodyguard to keep you safe.”

“You work for Griff, then,” he said flatly.

“My job is to keep you and Allison safe. Daley requested me for the assignment but I don’t work for him. I work for the division.”