Page 66 of Death Wish

Sawyer Chapman’s eyebrows rose. “Some greeting. Why are you so grumpy?”

Jesse stared at his teammate. “You’re supposed to be on vacation.”

“So are you.” Sawyer stepped inside and closed the door. “Why aren’t you sunning yourself on some beach and watching the babes in bikinis?”

“Simone is here.”

“And?” Sawyer’s eyes twinkled.

“She’s the only babe I want to watch in a bikini.”

“Does she know that?”

“She does,” Simone said as she walked into the room. “And she appreciates his excellent taste.” She hugged Sawyer. “What are you doing here?”

“Came to lend a hand. Brent told me you were undercover. Figured Jesse wouldn’t let you out of his sight. Mind if I stick around to keep the two of you out of trouble?”

“You didn’t answer our question,” Jesse said. Something was wrong. Sawyer had big plans for his vacation time. He shouldn’t be back in the States yet much less here in Sayulita. “Sawyer, you know you’re always welcome but why aren’t you still on vacation.”

“A long story for later.” He set his Go bag by the door. “Bring me up to speed.”

Yep, something was up. Later, Jesse would dig into it and find out what brought Sawyer home early. “Coffee?”

“Thought you’d never ask. Who’s on watch?”

“Iona and Tegan from Artemis.”

“No kidding. Didn’t they make me coming up to the house?”

“How do you think I knew you were here before you rang the bell?”

A curt nod. “Glad to hear you have backup.”

“Come to the kitchen,” Simone said. “We’ll make coffee and talk.”

“Thanks.” Sawyer glared at Jesse. “At least someone appreciates me being here.”

“Did I say I didn’t want you here?” he protested. Sheesh. Question a guy over cutting his vacation short, and look at the reaction he got? “You needed the vacation, Sawyer. I feel bad that you cut short your time away on our account.”

“I’m fine. I told Brent as much. Although he didn’t believe me, the boss agreed to let me come down here to give you a hand.”

Simone finished prepping the coffeemaker and turned to lean her back against the counter. “How will we explain your sudden appearance in Sayulita?”

Sawyer shrugged. “Easy. If someone sees me and questions you, tell him I’m Jesse’s brother or his best friend from his military days.”

“The latter works better,” Jesse said. “Why is my best friend visiting me now?”

Sawyer’s expression grew grim. “After a nasty breakup, I needed to get away for a while.”

Yeah, definitely trouble in paradise. He’d see what he could get out of his friend after Simone went to bed.

When the coffee finished its brewing cycle, Simone poured steaming liquid into two mugs. She opted for another bottle of water.

“Tell me what’s been happening.”

Jesse and Simone spent several minutes recounting what they’d learned and heard. “That’s about it,” Simone said, running her fingers through her hair.

“You have almost nothing.”