“How did you know she was drugged?”
“Restricted pupils, slower heart rate, acting drunk although she hadn’t consumed alcohol. All are classic signs of drug poisoning. She responded immediately to the Narcan as well.”
“She said she doesn’t take drugs except for the occasional headache. Do you believe her?”
“I didn’t see evidence of drug abuse but I only did a quick assessment.”
“Well, if she didn’t take a drug herself, then someone poisoned her. If you hadn’t been there, she would have died. Wyatt and Beckett didn’t know what to do for her. Jesse, I think you’re right. Someone tried to kill her.”
“The question is, why?”
“To get rid of a weak link.”
“If so, they’ll keep trying until they succeed. Did you find out anything about her that raises a red flag?”
“Allison is good at her job but she’s not exceptional.”
Jesse glanced up. “DA hires the top in their field.”
“There has to be some connection in her background to one of the upper echelon people at Dragon Alley. Otherwise, Allison would have washed out in the applicant pool. She doesn’t stand out enough to grab the attention of human resources or Griffin Daley.”
Simone went to the refrigerator for another bottle of water. “What did Zane have to say?”
“First, he’ll be ready for an inquiry about the name change. Second, he found a street camera that glimpsed the vehicle speeding out of the restaurant’s parking lot last night.”
She settled behind her computer again. “Anything come of it?”
“About what you’d expect. The plates were stolen from another vehicle, and the vehicle itself was reported stolen a few hours before the incident.”
“So we have nothing.”
“I’m afraid so.” He booted up his computer. “The only thing Zane could tell me was the driver wasn’t drunk.”
Simone’s blood ran cold. “The driver deliberately tried to run us down?”
“Looks like it. After he drove from the restaurant parking lot, the driver’s skills improved dramatically.”
“Someone knows about us.”
“Maybe. So far, the incidents are spread out. Not everything is pointed directly at you or me.”
“This might be farfetched, but is it possible Trevor was the driver? We didn’t know he was in town but someone told him where I was. Maybe he followed us to the restaurant.”
Jesse frowned. “It’s possible. I didn’t see anyone who stood out, but I wasn’t looking for a tail either. I didn’t think it mattered if someone from DA followed us to the restaurant.”
“I’ll keep looking through the information I found on Allison and do the same with Beckett. After that, I think I need to turn my attention to the person who’s been ratting me out to Trevor.”
“Have any ideas?”
Her gut clenched. Simone hoped she was wrong. “A few. I’ll let you know when I confirm.”
She returned her attention to her computer screen and read more on Allison. Nothing out of the ordinary popped up except for one interesting bit of information. Allison was friends with Sophie Westlake, the vice president of Dragon Alley. “Got something.”
“What is it?”
“Sophie Westlake and Allison are friends. I bet that’s why she was hired for the Special Projects division.”
“I’ll run a background check on Westlake. Keep working on Allison and Beckett.”