Page 58 of Death Wish

“Don’t clear my devices from other spaces, all right? You’ll cost me too much money.”

“Yes, sir. Do you still want me to serve as security for the Special Projects division, Mr. Boudreaux?”

“I’d be a fool not to take advantage of your keen interest in that area, wouldn’t I? Report for duty on the fifth floor immediately. I’ll let you know if I need to change your assignment.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jesse left the office and rode the elevator to the fifth floor. He checked in with Ms. Mulgraves before he went to Simone’s office.

She glanced up, surprise on her face. “Something wrong?”

“Daley asked for me to be assigned to the Special Projects division for a couple of weeks.”


“Isn’t it? I’ll be around if you need me.” He walked the hall, introducing himself to those he encountered on his rounds.

When he finished, Jesse stationed himself near the receptionist’s desk and assessed each visitor to the floor. Most he recognized from other parts of the company. A few were outsiders.

As the afternoon progressed, Jesse continued to do rounds on the floor every half hour, varying the time by a few minutes for each round. By the time his shift ended, he wondered why he’d been assigned. Was Daley expecting trouble or was he monitoring Jesse?

A few minutes after their shift ended, Simone emerged from her office with her backpack draped over one shoulder and locked her office door.

Jesse took the pack. “Ready to go?”

She nodded. “I’m starving. I hope we have something quick to prepare.”

“We’ll come up with something.”

Daley intercepted them on the way to the elevator. “Well, how was your first afternoon in our division?” he asked Simone.


He stared. “Really? You enjoyed your work?”

“I love an enjoyable challenge, Mr. Daley. Today’s assignments were more in line with what I’d been expecting at Dragon Alley.”

“Did you finish everything?”

“Of course.” She smiled. “Did you expect me not to?”

“Frankly, yes.”

“Guess this is your lucky day.”

The division head looked thoughtful. “I believe you’re right.” He glanced at Jesse. “I trust your day was uneventful.”

“Yes, sir. Thanks for asking me to protect your division. It’s an honor, sir.”

“I read your background file. Very impressive, Mr. Porterfield. You’re exactly who we need to watch over us for two weeks.”

“I appreciate the vote of confidence, Mr. Daley.”

After a curt nod, Daley stepped aside. “I won’t hold you any longer. Good job today, both of you. See you tomorrow.”

Jesse escorted Simone onto the elevator and rode to the first floor. They signed out with the receptionist. As they walked toward their SUV, Jesse said, “Since we’re both tired today, would you like to go out for dinner?”

“As long as I don’t have to dress up, I’m all for it.”