Page 57 of Death Wish

“Dedicated security to our Special Projects division employees.”

“A bodyguard?”

“You could classify it as bodyguard duty. It’s only for a couple of weeks. After that, things will go back to normal, and you’ll return to your regular duties.”

“Bodyguards are assigned to one person rather than a division. How many people am I expected to protect, Mr. Boudreaux?”

“Six, including the division head, Griffin Daley. In fact, he’s the one who asked for you to be assigned to this detail. I wouldn’t consider assigning this to a rookie, but Daley insisted. What did you do to impress him?”

“Nothing, sir. This probably has more to do with my girlfriend. She was reassigned to that division a few minutes ago. I know they work late hours. Perhaps he wanted to keep Simone happy and willing to stay late by assigning me to protect the workers in the division.”

“Ah. That makes sense. Got to keep the little woman happy or she won’t put in the long hours that division demands of its workers. I thought perhaps you had done something heroic to get yourself noticed.”

“No, sir.”

“I understand you have been extra vigilant about security in the cubicle farm.”

He shrugged. “Just looking out for Simone and her friend, Joy. But you know that, don’t you?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Come on, sir. You’re the one who slipped microphones and cameras into their work spaces each night.”

“How do you know I’m responsible?”

“Are you saying someone else has more authority and power in matters of security than you? You’re monitoring all the employees to make sure they follow security protocols. How many people are you employing to watch the camera feeds and listen to the audio information you’re gathering?”

Boudreaux’s lips curved. “You’re too smart for your own good, Porterfield.”

“Am I wrong?”

“No. I have fifteen employees keeping track of everything going on.”

“Where are they stationed?”

“In the red building on campus.” He chuckled. “You’re wreaking havoc over there, my friend. The guys have been complaining about the lack of information coming from your woman’s area and now her friend’s area.”

“Tough. I don’t want anyone spying on Simone or her friend. I’ll keep removing bugs and cameras from their areas. Either stop spying on Simone or Dragon Alley can let both of us go.”

“Drawing a line in the sand, huh?”

“It’s a hard line, Boudreaux. Dragon Alley recruited Simone. If they don’t trust her to do the work, she has better offers on the table. Your company is lucky to get her.”

“What about you?”

He shrugged. “I’ll go wherever Simone is. I can get a job anywhere. She’s the brains. I’m the muscle. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy.”

“Noble of you. Doesn’t bother you that your woman is brainy?”

“Are you kidding? I love it. She’s amazing, and I’m blessed to have her in my life.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

Nice. Jesse held back a wince. He hated that insipid word. “Should I expect a pink slip, sir?”

“No. I’ll leave Ms. Kenyon’s space free of unwanted devices and Ms. Walters’ space.”

“I appreciate it, sir.”