Page 55 of Death Wish

“Sounds good. I need to grab my gear from my cubicle, then I’ll be ready to begin.”

“Excellent. Let me show you where you’ll work from now on. By the time you’re situated, I’ll have assignments in your email.” He stood and held out his hand. “Welcome to Special Projects, Simone. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll take care of you.”

“I appreciate that.”

“I understand you’re dating one of our security guards.”

“That’s right. Is that a problem?”

“Actually, it’s perfect. Your work is classified and our security staff is carefully vetted before being hired. If you take work home, your boyfriend will be required to maintain the same amount of secrecy and discretion as you.”

“Won’t be a problem.”

“Good.” Daley circled the desk and opened his office door for Simone. “I’m looking forward to working with you. Follow me.”

She trailed after the division head to one of the larger offices near the elevator. Daley opened the door and gestured for her to precede him.

“This is your new office.” He picked up a set of keys laying on the desktop. “Lock any work in your desk when you leave the office. Nothing is to be left out.”

“Understood. Thank you, Mr. Daley.”

“Griffin,” he reminded her and moved to stand a little too close for Simone’s taste. “I can’t wait to get to know you better,” he murmured. His gaze drifted over her face and lingered too long on her mouth. “Maybe some evening we can get better acquainted over drinks. My treat.”

“I don’t think Jesse would like that unless you invite him as well.” She smiled. The nerve of Daley. He was hitting on her. She hoped she found the target program fast. Otherwise, she might have to resort to drastic measures to fend Daley off. Simone suspected he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

He blinked. “Oh, of course, I meant to include him in the invitation as well. It’s always a pleasure to get acquainted with the security staff.”

“Thanks for the invitation.”

Daley gave a curt nod. “I’ll let you get situated. When you’re ready, check your email. You’ll have plenty of work to keep you busy this afternoon.”

After he left, Simone grabbed the keys and slid them into her pocket. Inside the elevator, she sent Jesse a text. Seconds later, he agreed to meet her at the cubicle farm.

She walked to her station and logged in to delete the programs she’d downloaded for security, then grabbed her stuff, and circled the wall to Joy’s station. “Hey, I’m going to the fifth floor.”

Joy spun her chair around to stare at her. “Now?”

“Yeah. Still want to meet for lunch each day?”

“You bet.” She scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Simone. “My cell phone number. Text me whenever you’re ready to eat lunch.”

“Will do. Keep me updated about your date with Mateo, all right? Good luck tonight.”

“Thanks, Simone. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jesse walked up and took Simone’s backpack from her shoulder. “Ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s do this.”

“See you later, Joy.” Jesse wrapped his hand around Simone’s and escorted her from the cubicle farm. Inside the elevator, he said, “What’s wrong?”

Her brows knitted. “Am I that transparent?”

“I know you. What happened?”

Why fight it? He’d find out anyway. “Daley hit on me.”

Jesse scowled. “Did he put his hands on you?”