Page 54 of Death Wish

“Remember to stay in character, sweetheart. You’ve got this.”

“Easy for you to say. Everything is riding on it.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “We have options. Relax and be yourself. Your cover is airtight. Zane wouldn’t leave loopholes.”

Jesse was right. Zane had meticulously built Simone Kenyon’s credentials. He’d covered everything. As good as the Special Projects division workers were, Zane was better.

Slowly, the tension in her muscles eased. “You’re right.” Simone wrapped her arms around Jesse and hugged him. “Thanks for the reminder.”

“You can do this. You’re more than qualified.” After a gentle kiss, Jesse released her and led her to the elevator. “Shoot me a text when you’re finished. I’ll be close if you need me.”

She flashed him a smile, stepped onto the elevator, and pressed the button for the fifth floor. When she stepped out, a pleasant woman at a receptionist’s desk greeted Simone. “Good afternoon, Ms. Kenyon. Mr. Daley is expecting you. Wait while I inform him you’re here.”

After a murmured conversation into the phone, the receptionist stood and came around the desk. “This way, please.”

She followed the woman along the corridor filled with offices and conference rooms until they reached the double doors of the corner office and knocked. The receptionist opened the door. “Ms. Kenyon is here.”

“Send her in. Thanks, Ms. Mulgraves.”

“Yes, sir.” She smiled at Simone. “Good luck,” she whispered and closed the door behind Simone.

Daley rose from behind his large oak desk and motioned to the chairs in front of it. “Thanks for coming. Take a seat, Ms. Kenyon.”

“Simone, please.”

“Simone, then. May I get you anything? Water, coffee, a soft drink?”

“No, thanks.”

“Ms. Kirk recommended I ask you to join the Special Projects division. She’s impressed with everything you’ve done, especially the speed and quality. Your supervisor assures me you’re exactly the person I need to have in this division.”

“I’m flattered.”

“You should be,” Daley said. “Not everyone is eligible to join our division. It’s an honor.”

“What kind of work does your division do?”

“The classified kind. Sometimes we fulfill contracts for the government. Other times, we do something fun like create a video game. Anything is on the table.”

“Expensive work?”

Daley chuckled. “Triple the going rate.”

She stared. Holy smoke. No wonder the employees made seven figures each year. “Bonuses?”

“If you come in under budget and under the time limit. Ms. Kirk told me how fast you are in finishing every job she assigns you. Some tasks you completed in record time this morning came from me. They were the first part of your interview.”

Huh. “I guess I passed?”

“With flying colors. I’m impressed, Simone. You’re incredible.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Griffin, please. We’re informal in our division.” He named a salary well over the seven figures she’d been expecting. “Are you interested in working with us, Simone?”

“Yes, sir. When do I start?”

He smiled. “Ms. Kirk says you’re out of assignments again. What do you think about starting right now?”